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Chapter #1 - Why You Need a List
Before you dive deeper into this eBook, you should begin to embrace the fact that you, and any other person who is involved with Internet marketing, need a list. It is just that simple. You cannot have Internet marketing without list building, they go hand in hand!
Email lists are extremely vital to the success of a business, and when used properly, they become the heart and soul of your Internet marketing efforts. To be perfectly honest, if you do not have a list, you are only hurting yourself! Lists bring money, and without them, you are missing out on many opportunities to make money. However, you may still be questioning why you should invest time into building a list. Well, let’s briefly examine some truths about consumer behavior.
Consumer Behavior
Research has shown that potential customers may not become conversions through the first encounter with your brand. They may be interested in your products and/or services, but sometimes they are unable to finalize their purchasing decision at that exact moment.
This could be because they are not ready to purchase due to multiple factors such as:
1. Lack of money at time of exposure
2. Lack of product information
3. Trust in the brand
You must realize that customers who come into contact with your brand may be in different stages of the sales funnel, and that has an influence on whether or not they purchase.
Also, with so many products out there, people are often looking to compare offerings before they take action. However, that does not mean that they are out of the question for a sale in the future... that is unless you have no way to reach them again!
Without A List, You Are Losing Money
Lists allow you to acquire contact information from these prospective customers. By obtaining this contact information, you are essentially giving yourself a way to stay in touch with the people who have already expressed interests in your company. These people are often only one more interaction away from a sale!
Without a list, you are essentially allowing your competition to become more appealing as your prospects continue to browse the Internet. You DO NOT want to let your customers get so far away from your product that they ultimately dismiss your offerings when it is time to purchase. A list will give you the opportunity to stay in touch with those who have already expressed an interest in your product, thus allowing you to offer up a friendly follow up that will help move customers along towards making purchases.
What Lists Bring To Your Business
Lists also allow you to maintain a relationship with your existing customers. If you are on the mailing list for any company, think about how you personally interact with these brands through their mailing lists.
Here are three common things that companies use lists for:
1. They sometimes send you specialized offers based on your past purchases
2. They may remind you to purchase items that you left in your cart
3. They may ask if you are interested in attending an event Whatever the case may be, they are keeping the interaction going so that they remain top of mind. And if they do it well enough, you will purchase more items with them! Truth be told, marketing to repeat customers is often the best way that you can drive sales. There is money that you are missing if you have not chosen to implement a marketing strategy that involves using a list. However, if you are reading this part of this eBook, you have already taken an important step in ending this detrimental cycle. Now, let us get deeper into how to build a list.
Chapter #2 - Picking an Autoresponder
There was a point in time where building a list and maintaining it required a great deal of manual work. Before the autoresponder, people who wished to maintain a list were faced with the daunting task of adding contact information, crafting messages, sending messages, etc.
Companies would spend so much time maintaining communications with their customers that would take away from other aspects of their business. Thankfully, this is no longer the case. The autoresponder has streamlined this aspect of businesses.
When you set out to begin building a list, one of the most important things to have in place is an autoresponder.
An autoresponder allows you to acquire, store, and communicate with your leads. Once you capture a lead, your autoresponder will allow you to get the most out of your lists.
Why You Should Use a Professional Service
Before we get into what you should do with an autoresponder, here are some reasons why you should choose a professional autoresponder service: 1. Professional autoresponders offer many benefits. They ensure that your message is deliverable by offering spam filter checks that will alert you if your email is likely to be sent to your customer’s spam folder. Overall, it is the goal of the autoresponder service to ensure that your messages have maximized delivery. Without a professional autoresponder, you run the risk of failing to recognize potential errors.
2. Aside from automatically capturing leads for you, autoresponders will take care of any opt-out/unsubscribe requests, which will free up the time you may have spent trying to do this manually.
3. Professional autoresponders frequently backup your lists, which significantly decreases the chance that you will lose your list. After investing time in building your massive list, the last thing that you want is to lose your list to something unexpected.
4. As stated before, there are a number of advantages to using a professional autoresponder. If you plan on keeping track of your open rate, opt-out rate, response rate, and things of that sort (which you definitely should be doing to increase the effectiveness of your campaigns), a professional service will provide analytics for those areas.
Some of the most popular autoresponder services that are available are: Constant Contact, AWeber, MailChimp, OfficeAutoPilot, Infusionsoft and iContact.
If You Want To Host Your Own Autoresponder
The advantage of hosting your own autoresponder is that once you purchase the software, you own the program and you do not have to worry about additional fees. You do not have to pay a company to run this software and you will not incur monthly charges.
If you are interested in taking this route, check out these autoresponders:
1. Interspire
2. arpReach
Ultimately, keep in mind that this option will require more work on your part to ensure that you are maintaining your list. However, this may turn out to be an option for you.
Factors to Consider
When choosing an autoresponder, you should compare services and decide what is best for your situation. Some factors that you should compare are:
1. Usability: the interface should be simple enough for you to manage quickly and effectively.
2. Cost of service: make sure that the cost of the service is one that fits within your budget. Some services may even be free up to a certain amount of emails or may include trial periods.
3. Features: not all services provide identical features. For example, some give you the option to create your own email templates, others may be beneficial for split testing, some may have larger image storage, etc.
Whichever route you decide to go with your autoresponder, keep in mind that it is best to research different software and services thoroughly before making a decision. You do not want to lose time trying to transfer a large list to another system later on down the line. Choose the best option for your situation early on to avoid this pitfall.
Chapter #3 - Setting up an Opt-in Form
Now that we have discussed how to select an autoresponder, we can move on to setting up an opt-in form. An opt-in form is what you will use to capture your leads. You may have visited a site recently and noticed a pop-up form or even a form that has been strategically placed on the website encouraging visitors to join their mailing list. That form you encountered is the opt-in form.
When a user fills out your form and decides to opt-in, they are giving you permission to send emails to them. Some autoresponders will provide what is known as a double opt-in, in which a user will receive a confirmation email to make sure that you have the correct information. If the service you provided gives you the option to use double opt-in, it is good to use this as it will help you filter out unresponsive customers.
Complying With The CAN-SPAM Act
By using the opt-in form, you are also complying with the CAN-SPAM Act. There is some confusion about what the CAN-SPAM Act means, but all that is does it set guidelines for marketers to send emails in a legitimate manner.
The CAN-SPAM Act requires marketers to obtain permission for sending emails from users. It also requires that you provide a way for users to optout in each email that you send. The process for opting out should be easy for the user; one click should allow the user to be removed from your list.