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Building Your Sales Funnel
A sales funnel is a simple sales method where prospects enter at the top of the Funnel and as they travel down it they get higher value offers. It need not be an
instantaneous process and I find it is usually better if it takes place over weeks or months.
As I mentioned earlier my preferred method of list building is selling high value reports and video series cheaply. I am more than happy to sell a report for $7 that others will sell at $67 or $97.
Once I have made a sale the buyer is now in my sales funnel, I'll usually send them a free bonus report a few days later. Over the coming weeks and months I'll introduce them to my higher cost products and maybe give them special offers or related offer on download pages and thank you pages.
I never email my buyers list promoting anything directly, my preferred method is to create a blog post with lots of information about a topic and maybe a video where I show a solution to an issue.
This way I avoid what 90% of people despise ...constant emails selling the next big thing.
As a rule I only ever promote products I have created myself or that people I know very well have created, these are usually members of my forum or people who have bought my product creation course.
Never promote any products you haven't seen or tried.
Stick to that simple rules and you'll avoid a lot of problems.
For that very reason alone I refuse to promote any product launches, sure $97, $497 or $997 might be a nice bit of commission but why risk alienating a responsive list over a product that might be good or might just as easily be bad.
It really isn't worth the risk, if you find a product that looks like it's a great fit for your list but haven't tried it, don't be tempted to promote it until you check it out.
If necessary, ask for a review copy
I often get subscribers email me and recommend good products that I should check out it would be the easiest thing in the world to recommend some of them, bit it only takes 1 bad product to ruin your reputation.
Getting Started With List Building
You now have your plan and you know you want a list of buyers, rather than a list of freebie seekers. You are probably wondering how are you going to get started?
When I started list building I went from 0 subscribers to around 8000 in a week. Of that 500 were buyers and 7500 were people who got a free report.
Just over a year later that list has over 4000 buyers and around 4000 prospects (the politically correct word for freebie seekers)
So how did I do it, simple....
Step 1 was to create a report, in my case it was about article marketing as I knew a lot of people were interested in it and I had over 1,000,000 views on EzineArticles so I had a lot of information to pass on.
When I finished the report I emailed 5 Internet marketers who I knew had good sized lists, I made them 2 offers.
Offer 1 was that I would brand all the affiliate links in the e-book with their links and then allow them to give the book away for free.
Many people would have stopped at this but I wanted a buyers list, so I took it one step further.
Offer 2 was that their subscribers who downloaded the report could sell it and get 100% commission ($17) if they wanted it
I told them that the offer was only open to 2 marketers and I needed a response in 24 hours.... I got 2 positive responses in under 2 hours.
I call this the Win, Win, Win method
The marketer wins as they get to give away a free report, make affiliate sales and enhance their reputation.
The subscriber wins because they get a good quality report for free and can then promote it in forums and on blogs and earn some money.
I win as I get subscribers and both prospects and buyers.
The report took me less than a day to write and has probably been responsible for a large amount of my income over the past year.
This method works for 1 simple reason, many marketers are very busy and know that if they give value to their list they'll make more money in the long time. By saving them time by giving them a good product to give away they are more than happy to do it.
You could probably even do this method by offering to write blog posts for marketers in exchange for a link to your free report on one of their download pages.
Segmenting Your Lists
You should at the very minimum have 2 email lists, One for your prospects, those that haven't bought anything from you and one for the subscribers who have bought from you.
The easiest way to do this is by using a proper Autoresponder company like Aweber.
With Aweber you can set a rule that if anyone appears on your buyers list then they get removed from a prospects list if they are on it.
I really can't stress how important this aspect of list building is .
Over time if someone has been on a prospect list for 6 months to a year it's pretty sure that they aren't going to buy anything from you, they might not even be opening your emails.
If that happens you really should do 1 of 2 things get them to unsubscribe or unsubscribe them yourself after all they are costing you money as you are paying for that place on the list.
My preferred method of dealing with people like this is simple I'll email the list with a really amazing offer. For example they can have access to one of my $67 or $97 products for $1 for 7 days or they can buy an older product for $5.
Anyone who doesn't open the email will get 2 more emails over the coming 3 or 4 days then if they still haven't opened it they'll be unsubscribed.
If they do open the email III keep them on the list for a bit longer even if they haven't bought anything and the next month I'll try them with a different offer.