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Once you have your incentive offer, autoresponder account and squeeze page ready to go, the next step is to set up your entire back-end system.
You want to do this before you even begin generating traffic to your squeeze page, however you can consistently grow and expand your back-end over time. When starting out, even a basic backend system will do.
The reason why setting up a backend is so important is in actually maximizing your online income from every list you create. If you have a general idea as to how you plan to funnel subscribers through a sales funnel, you will be able to set up well constructed mailing lists that have a clear objective in mind.
For example, if you are building a mailing list with the intention of selling one of your own products, your back-end offer would feature additional products that serve as ‘components” to your main offer.
The main thing to keep in mind when building your backend system is that your primary product (whether it’s your incentive offer given away on your squeeze page, or a paid product offered after their initial subscription), you absolutely need to ensure that it’s of exceptional value. That way, your subscribers trust you as well as the overall quality of your work and are far more likely to purchase additional products that are offered through your back-end funnel.
The easiest way to create your back-end strategy is in the initial building stages of your list building campaigns. By considering what types of backend products or services you could offer subscribers, you will be able to orchestrate a well-structured system that directly targets your prospect audience and customer base.
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