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Traffic can be hard to generate unless you know where to get it from with my subscriber list I get most of my traffic from adf.ly, ad space is cheap and got me these results With building a buyers list I either get affiliates to promote my product to their list and I promote my product on the warrior forum.
Email Marketing
As easy as it sounds, email marketing is very difficult to master. It's not just the simple task of writing a sales email and sending it out every now and then, in fact it is the total opposite.
You need to build a relationship with these people and get them to trust you. Once they trust you they will trust you to give them good recommendations such as products.
Be honest with your email list, it's a business at the end of the day and they should know you are making commission from the emails, you also want to be honest with them about your own life. If you are newbie marketer then tell them, Get them to learn with you.
When sending out emails you will want to tell a story, remember you are not making to sale you just need to create the lead. Once that person is over to that sales page it's down to the conversion of that product.
Most of the time the product you are promoting will have some email swipes, all you need to do is copy and paste and that's it. If you like to write your own you will want to tell a story alongside it, be personal.
The biggest thing you need to remember is that these emails are not emails, not a number on your list. They are PEOPLE, Treat them with respect. My mum always taught me to treat others how I wanted to be treated myself.
Product Promotion
You will want to find some products to promote, this is easy. Go over to Jvzoo.com and have a look at all the products over there, once you found a product to promote you will need to request permission to promote from the creator.
When you first start out with no sales normally you will get put on delayed commission, this is fine as it's just to protect the creator against fraud. Once you have made a fair few sales you'll start getting instant commission.
There are tons of other product launch sites and even better Facebook group. Do a quick google search or Facebook search and join them all.
With smaller product launches 2 emails within 1 day for the one product will do.
When a big product gets released such as a product from Alex Jeffrey's then I go with the 3 day email smasher:
1 email on day 1
2 on day 2
3 on day 3
Simple and it works!
So let's recap, you have learned how to set up a squeeze page and how to send traffic to it so you can build a massive subscriber list and you have learned how to build a small but very effective buyers list.
Both you can promote products to so you can start earning commission from.
The question I get all of the time is "How big should my list be" and it really is a difficult question to ask.
I have known people with a list of 60K and earning thousands a day and I have known people with only IK list and to be making $2-300 per day...
It's all down to how to approach your list, how responsive they are and how targeted they are. If you build a good relationship with them and educate them to look for your emails your open rate and click rate will increase.
You should set your goals small but out of reach like I did. When I first started I was only building a buyers list and my first goal was to get 100 people. That goal had taken me 6 months to complete, I then set a goal of 200, then 300, 400, 500 then IK...
I then started to build a subscriber base and done the exact same.
Another great tip is you should always be editing your squeeze page to get better results. Even the best copy writer in the world will not "Set and forget" a squeeze page. They will consistently edit small parts of it to see if you converts better.
When you do it, do it in small chunks. Change the header, a word anything. Check the results after a few days, if its better keep it if not changes it again.
If you go gun happy and change the whole thing at once you won't know what made it better.
I would also suggest you join a few internet marketing groups as you can connect with other likeminded people. Not only that you can ask questions no matter what your experience. Helping and learning will make you succeed fast.