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Chapter 1: What is List Building all about?
What is list building?
Ok, so what is list building? To understand what is list building, you first need to know what is a list in the first place. A list, or a mailing list, is a database where you store the email addresses of people that you can get in touch with in order to send them marketing material and business info in general.
And in order to have a solid mailing list with qualified subscribers you need to build your list through email marketing. In fact, list building can be considered to be one of the stages of email marketing.
To summarize, list building is the stage of your email marketing efforts in which you are going to continually add people to your mailing lists, and to add people to your mailing lists you will need their permission.
That is when you apply email marketing strategies to get people’s permission to be added to your mailing lists. To summarize, list building is all about using email marketing strategies to add more people to your growing list of email leads.
How can you start building your lists?
The only way to start building and growing your mailing lists is by applying proven email marketing strategies the right way. There are many email marketing strategies that work as well today as they did when they were first applied back in the days of dial up internet.
In this training you are going to learn the best ways to apply only the best ones, such as using free stuff as magnets to get email subscribers and email marketing automation, as well as other little known implementations that have been kept secret from you by the so called “gurus”, up until today that is!
Who is using list building as a marketing strategy?
Basically anyone with an online marketing plan should be list building, yet most marketers and businesses are content with having a single opt-in on their websites for those that might be interested in giving out their email addresses, leaving a lot on the table.
The truth is that there are ways to even get the emails of people that are not initially interested in joining your mailing lists, and we are going to teach you how to do it in this training so you too can feel the power of email marketing.
So keep reading, because in the following chapters we are going to go into deeper detail on what makes list building an amazing strategy that you need to implement on your overall business plan right now!
Chapter 2: What can an Email list do for your Business?
So now that you know what an email list is and what you can do to start building and growing your own today, it’s about time that we talk about what you will get from putting in the effort towards building your list.
And what you will get from working towards building a solid email list full of qualified contacts are benefits that will take you several steps further into solidifying your business as an online venture with ample growth potential and an ever growing, loyal customer base.
And really, the biggest thing that an email list will do for your business is, as we just said and without a doubt, will help you to grow your customer base. This is because of the implicit behavior of people that visit a business’ website in the first place, which can be summarized in two stages:
Get information about your company, your offers, your products, your services, and your prices
Making a purchase after getting the desired information
The thing is that, unless a visitor is already in purchasing mode, you won’t be able to convert him or her in the very first interaction. You have to be pretty convincing about your offers in order to capture the attention of visitors during their first visit to your site.
And once you have established that first impression, most visitors will simply leave your site and go about their daily lives, even if they liked your site and your offers. Sure, some among those that leave will be back and convert later if they need to obtain what you are offering them, but most of them won’t.
That is why most marketers love tracking and retargeting lost visitors through paid adverts, but that is a very expensive strategy for most. That’s where list building comes in, as it is a cost-effective marketing strategy that is easy to implement.
List building is as easy as inviting website visitors to join your mailing list, and we are going to discuss the best means to do so later on, but for now let’s just say that it will be easier for you to drive sales once you have qualified buyers in your email list.
This is mostly because you will be able to email them the best offers available to them according to their buyer profile, as well as sending them exclusive offers that they can share with others by referring new people to your email list. Other benefits of having an email list for your business include:
It will help you to better communicate with your customers and to have a better channel to solve their inquiries
It will help you to update your customers and your leads about your most recent business activities without them having to go to your website
It will allow you to better segment your customer base
It will allow you to gather more quality data about your customers
Tune in to the following chapter if you want to learn some shocking list building facts that will inspire you to chase your marketing objectives by building your email list today!