Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Once you pick your autoresponder you will need to sit down and read any training materials that came with it. Make sure you are VERY familiar with your autoresponder. Go into your autoresponder and create an autoresponder account for your newsletter list. You can get the codes for a form for your visitors to use to subscribe and just copy and paste that into your newsletter sign up page. That way, you can get your visitors subscribed to your list so that you can mail to them over and over again.
At this point you will have your site totally set up with your newsletter signup form on your site. You are almost ready to start driving people to your site so you can start getting signups.
There’s one more step, and it’s another critical one.
Once you get a subscriber, you have to deliver your first message to them. Your autoresponder will automatically do this for you. You have to develop the first message though.
Your first message needs to thank them for subscribing and tell them how to get the free bonus you promised. You’ll want to create a few messages to send out. Your autoresponder will let you send these messages out at different intervals. Your first message should go out immediately. The next message you create should go out a few days later, and then another four days or say later. Let’s talk real quick about what your messages should say. As I said, the first one should tell them where they can get their free bonus for signing up.
Your next messages should be messages that allow them to get to know you. I tell people a bit about my background, how long I’ve worked from home, that I’m a mom of 5 kids, that kind of stuff. You’ll again need to tell them the subscriber what you can do for them.
In your next message give some useful information and another free offer. Again, you can give them a product that you have give away rights to, but you will benefit much more by creating your own products to give away.
Let me say this though. As long as you have 2-3 of your own products to give away, you can give away products that aren’t yours. Just make sure you have some of your own also. This is a very important part of this. Having your own products gives you a TON of exposure, and potentially a lot of subscribers and orders.
After your subscriber has been sent all of these messages, you have told them exactly what they can expect to get from you, you’ve given them good information, and free quality products. You’ve built a relationship with your subscriber on autopilot. How many people do you guys think highly of that you’ve never even spoken to? You’re on their list and they give you great information and free stuff, so you feel like you know them. This is EXACTLY what you want to achieve.