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The same kinds of principles can apply in the office too. If you have any say in the matter, then try to reduce the number of meetings you take part in to an absolute minimum. If you could convey the same information in an email chain… then do!
Tim Ferriss again gives some pointers here. One of his pointers is to only check email at set points throughout the day and to set up autoresponders to inform people of that fact. Make sure that you provide an emergency number but also make sure that you really make clear that this number is intended only for emergencies. This way, people can get in touch if they absolutely have to (so you aren’t worrying) but most people won’t bother you.
The problem is that as soon as you answer emails and start dealing with other people’s requests you become reactive as opposed to proactive. And by the time you’ve responded to everyone, you’ll have another task sitting in your inbox!
Another tip? When answering the phone, begin your conversation by saying you don’t have much time. This allows you to get to the point quickly without being rude. They might offer to call back ‘at a more convenient time’ but you need to squash this idea and encourage them to talk right now – but quickly.
Chapter 7: How to be a Digital Nomad
And if you want to go the whole hog and become a real-life digital nomad? Then go for it! If this is the kind of lifestyle you’re interested in, then it’s going to take work; but it will also provide you with some incredible experiences that will change you as a person.
So how do you go about it? Well, using any of the online businesses we’ve already looked at will help. At the same time, so too will planning routes and adventures that allow you to stay within your means and that also give you constant access to the internet.
Let’s look as well at some small tips that can help a great deal…