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What you have in your hand is a guide that will change the ball game in your role as a leader. If you feel like there is room for improvement and have a willingness to learn and apply the materials, this is the guide for you. Being a better leader is something that anyone in such a position strives to do.
The first question to ask is: what is making you want to become a better leader? You might be worried about having communication skills that may not be enough to get your message across. You may not have a tried and true process to plan, set, and conquer your goals.
Whatever it may be, you have made the decision to better yourself as a leader. This guide will provide you with plenty of actionable information that must be applied. The only way it won’t help you is that you don’t take action yourself.
If you don’t see yourself as a consistent action taker, close this guide now. Still here? Good.
This guide is for someone who is either in the following situation:
- They are training for a leadership role and want to get a good start
- They are already in a leadership role, but unsure about how to make the most of it
So, you’re in either of these two positions. If you are in the process of assuming a leadership position due to appointment or promotion, then you may want to consider this guide as your roadmap to becoming an effective leader from the get go. You might be nervous about how people will receive you as a leader. If you are in a leadership position and don’t know what to do, then you’re in the right place. You may feel like you have the basics down to a science. But you feel like you’re not doing enough.
This is the guide for you if you are serious about taking responsibility. In fact, you as a leader must have this skill already. It’s up to you to make the move and improve yourself.
This guide is also for those that may be struggling with communicating, goal-setting, making executive decisions, and so much more. By the time you finish reading this, your leadership skills will be improved. Those who are your subordinates may notice something different about you and the way you operate.
What will be covered?
This guide will cover eight different aspects of being a leader. Let’s give you a brief synopsis of what each chapter will cover;
- Develop Yourself First: The first building block in becoming a great leader is to work on yourself. There is no other way. In this chapter, we’ll talk about tips on how you can improve yourself as a leader both inside and out. We’ll talk about developing the mindset of being an effective leader. We’ll also touch on the kind of leadership style that fits you best.
- Goal Setting Like a Leader: Setting goals is just a part of success. Conquering those goals will also be part of that process as well. In this chapter, we’ll go deep into how you can set goals that you and your team can conquer every single time without issue. Sure, there will be challenges that will need to be addressed. But this process will make goalsetting simple and straightforward.
- The Essentials for Success: Planning and Organization: Planning for success and organizing the priority tasks will be essential for each leader. What gets done first? What will be taken care of by others on your team? We’ll talk about the planning and organization process and how you as a leader must act on it.
- Making it Happen Through Effective Execution: Planning is one thing. But execution is another. No plans will come to fruition if you do nothing. This chapter will cover how you can execute and make the move without hesitation.
- You’re Only as Strong as Your Weakest Link: We’ll talk about the common strengths and weaknesses leaders face every day. If you have weaknesses of your own, this chapter will show you how to improve on them so they can become strengths themselves.
- Empowering Your Team: As a leader, you must motivate, inspire, and empower your team. Doing this will make the difference between one that is high in morale and productivity from one that may be dull and indifferent.
- Performing Performance Management: This will help you evaluate your team. Who is productive and pulling their weight and who isn’t? You’ll learn exercises that will help you encourage team members that may need to improve or face the consequences.
- Leadership Is A Never-Ending Job: As a leadership, your job keeps going. Whether you’re at the office or at home, you have a responsibility to put your leadership abilities to the test. We’ll talk about how it can apply outside of your professional life.
It’s time to make a decisive move
Next may be your greatest challenge yet. You have two options to decide from:
- Either you put this guide away and never read it again. And your leadership abilities will stay the same. No effective communication, no ability to take decisive action, or be able to get your team to rally behind you.
- Keep reading and improve your leadership abilities so you can face the challenges head on. Set goals, plan and prioritize, empower your team, and have them follow you through every straight and turn.
The second decision should be a no-brainer. If you chose that option, continue on to the next chapter.
Develop Yourself First
The first thing you want to do as a leader is develop yourself. This chapter will cover how to adopt the mindset of a leader. We’ll also talk about the type of leadership styles that will fit you best based on a personal assessment of your personal beliefs and values.
It will take time to develop yourself into a leader. The timetable will vary from person to person. Some will develop quickly while others will need a bit more time to fine-tune their abilities. Furthermore, even if you develop the basic frameworks of being a leader, you will still need to improve over time. This will be evident in the final chapter that covers leadership being a neverending job. With that said, let’s dive right in to help you develop yourself into the leader you want to become.
Develop the mindset of a leader
The kind of mindset a leader must have should be one that involves growth. Not only that, they believe it should also acquire a certain kind of belief system, attitude, and what they should expect. Without the right mindset, being an effective leader might not be possible.
Below is a list of characteristics that you must develop as a leader. Let’s take a look now at what they are:
Facing challenges is normal
As a leader, you want to be fearless in the face of challenge. It’s best to run into the storm rather than run away from it. Accept the fact that challenges will be the norm and you will be facing them more often than not.
It’s important that you have a plan of attack for when they happen. You possess a good attitude that it will be accepted and overcome. You will have the right kind of people on hand that will help you out, when needed.
Have humility
Even though you have confidence in your leadership abilities, it helps to be humble. You want to give credit where it’s due. You don’t want to take all the credit and think you’re better than anyone.
You also want to accept the fact that if you are proven wrong about something, you want to own it. The last thing you ever want to do is blame someone. Holding yourself accountable can go a long way.