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Like any good salesperson, who is focused on sales, sellsomething you believe in! For example, this program you are going through here... I totally believe in it and you better believe I would sell the crap out of this program with all my might. It's my duty.
In fact, I feel so strongly about this blueprint, I'm confident enough to say that people who miss out on it are making a big mistake. I feel people who do not buy this blueprint are insane or big dummies, if they are serious about marketing.
I'm that confident in selling this blueprint. And, that's how you want to feel about what you are selling. In other words, create value and believe in what you are selling.
This is why, I believe, so many people fail at selling PLR stuff. They know it's crap and therefore do not sell it aggressively or confidently.
However, also understand that plenty of marketers sell crap products all the time, even though they know the product is crap and garbage, yet it still sells like crazy. Why is this?
Well, it goes to show how important sales is. I mean, they are laser focused on sales and not their crappy products. But, since they are so focused on sales and because sales is so critical, they succeed despite their crappy products.
They are just doing too good of a job tapping into the wants of the marketplace and selling the snot out of their products, to fail. They are too good at recruiting affiliates and driving traffic to fail. This shows the importance of selling right here.