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Chapter 8: 5 More Things You Can Start Right Away
Here are 5 more things for leaving your legacy that you can start implementing this very moment.
5 More Things You Can Start Right Away
Emperor Shahjehan built the Taj Mahal. Mikhail Gorbachev left behind his legacy of 'glasnost' reform. Jerry Lee Lewis gave us 'Great balls of Fire!' What towering triumph will you leave behind? Relax; it doesn't have to be something as colossal as the Statue of Liberty. Here are 5 simple ways you can work on your own legacy right now:-
Institute a Foundation. Use your resources and assets to set up a foundation that will benefit needy people and causes. Prepare a will that assigns funds to non-profit organizations of your choice.
Go Viral. Record a song or shoot a video with your cell phone camera and upload it to YouTube. You could even just be expressing your views in a different way that resonates with viewers out there. Before you know it, your clip may go viral and gain thousands and millions of hits, thus getting enshrined in the cyberspace halls of fame.
Make lemonade. Not literally of course. When fate hands you a lemon, you must get up and make lemonade! Every adversity holds opportunities for you to create a new legacy. Is your locality struck by a typhoon? Volunteer with the emergency services. Lost a dear one to a dreaded illness? Study and speak out about that disease. Christopher Reeves showed he was a true Superman when he campaigned for better research, even while he was bound in his wheelchair!
Heal your family. Every family carries down the burdens of old feuds and attitudes. Trace out all your family members and draw a family tree. Resolve your differences and bring everyone together this Thanksgiving. Your happy great grandchildren will remember your unifying legacy.
Gift something unusual. This is something very simple you can do. Instead of the usual knick knacks from the mall, give your friends something different this season. It could be a whole tree planted in their garden, or a photo book with your memories with them or a paid course to study a new language! They will remember you as a friend who was unique and who made a difference in their lives.
Chapter 9: Run and Spread the Message
You have to let people know.
Run and Spread the Message
Serge Roetheli of Switzerland began his run around the world in 2000 at the age of 47, eventually covering 37 countries in 6 continents. Rosie Swale-Pope of England began running at 57 years of age and covered over 20,000 miles in her run around the world. Paul Staso, an ultra endurance athlete and founder of PACE Fitness Foundation who has also run across the US says that over 200 people have run across the United States, with a dozen or so actually running solo. What guts!
What is it that makes people run across countries and even the world? In the celebrated film 'Forrest Gump', the main character played by Tom Flanks gets up one morning and starts running, traversing the US 3-4 over five years.
When asked why he ran, Gump says - 'Because I felt like running'. There is something inside us that often makes us want to leave our mediocre lives behind and just run free. And in that free run of our life, we can create a new legacy.
Brian Stark, an English teacher who ran across the country, has this to say - 'I thought my body would be a withering mass after a thousand miles, but it kept getting stronger.'
Many people have coupled their running or travelling across states or countries with a distinct message that they want to spread wherever they go. So you can Run for Peace or 'run to raise funds for cancer research' or 'run for reform'. If physical limitations do not permit you to run, you can drive or simply travel all over, holding meetings or talking to people to spread your unique message.
It is not uncommon to hear of individuals packing some stuff onto a bicycle in India and travelling all over with a simple placard on the bike's front. It is a simple and humble act, but it touches the hearts of people and it brings about change. That simple man on a cycle is creating his own legacy.
Chapter 10: Plant Seeds, Many Seeds
It is your seeds that shall eventually bear fruit.
Plant Seeds, Many Seeds
18th century America tells us of a man named Johnny Appleseed who went all over the land planting apple seeds. After he had traveled to the end of his journey, he would return along the same path, tending to the little trees that had grown and plating new ones. A vast network of nurseries and grown trees stands today as the legacy of John Chapman, an American pioneer nurseryman, who came to be known as the legendary John Appleseed.
Johnny Appleseed left behind an estate of over 1,200 acres of valuable nurseries, worth millions even then, and far more now. Johnny Appleseed Elementary School now stands in Leominster, Massachusetts, his birthplace.
You can start planting seeds today to institute your own legacy.
You can take this lesson literally and start planting seeds and trees in your neighborhood or all over your state. The environment will be richer for your action and the communities around those trees will naturally benefit from them. If you plant an acorn today, you may not live to see it become a giant oak tree, but your descendants and those who take shelter in the shade of that tree will give thanks to you and your legacy.
Or you can take a metaphorical view and start planting the seeds of education in the garden of young minds. Teach young people whatever you know best - a technical skill, moral lessons, share your life skills. Then nurture them regularly by following up and boosting your students to achieve great ideals. Trim their wayward branches and fertilize their roots with continuing advice.
Every great achiever tells of a mentor, someone who educated and inspired them in their lives and careers. You can be that sage in young people's lives.
And in time you will be known as Timothy Oaktree or Guitar Greg or Vanessa Vineyard or even Football Fred!