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You can do anything with the help of the internet, and learning to speak Spanish is no exception. There are a number of programs currently in existence on the internet that are intended to assist those individuals whose lives are simply too busy to take a Spanish class in the mastery of this unique language.
These online resources can work for you as well, but there are a number of things you should look for before settling on a Spanish program. First and foremost, it must have some type of audio interface. You cannot learn to speak Spanish from a book. The accents and flow of the language are so different that even if you were to perfectly master the pronunciation of every vowel, syllable and letter combination in the Spanish language you still would not be able to speak with any type of fluency.
Take a moment to think back on the last time that you spoke with someone with a lisp or a very heavy accent. Even though they were speaking in English you probably had a very difficult time understanding them. The reason for this is that your ears are not used to relaying that type of information to the brain. Your ears are accustomed to hearing the language spoken in a particular manner with a particular accent, and in the absence of that particular way of speaking your brain cannot make any sense of what your ears are sending it.
The same can be said of learning to speak Spanish. The entire point of learning to speak a new language is to communicate with those people for whom this foreign language is a native tongue. That means that you must be able to understand them and, equally importantly, they must be able to understand you. If you do not speak with the proper accent and pronunciation you will not be understood, and therefore will have wasted the time you spent learning to speak the language.
The other item that is of particular importance when working with an online Spanish program is the quality of its visual aids. Yes, you are going to need pictures as well as words and sounds to learn. Why? Take a moment to consider how you learned English as a child. You learned the language from listening to the people around you, then applying the words to items around you. This means that you learned by a process known as "‘visual association”. Your mind learned to associate certain words with objects you saw around you. Without that association you are going to find yourself having to memorize countless vocabulary words without any foundation in which to base it.
If that doesn’t make sense, take a moment to think back to when you were first learning how to spell in grade school. You probably spent countless hours reviewing your word lists to learn how to spell the words the teacher required; however, you probably didn’t gain true mastery of these words until you became an adult and began seeing them in your reading material. The same is true of your vocabulary. Until you begin applying it to objects in your environment, words are just words and are not going to stick in your mind.