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5. Pop-ups Most people find pop ups annoying but if you implement it correctly, and it shows up at the correct moment, you're going to convert a lot of visitors into subscribers. There are lots of software and plugins for WordPress that customizes pop ups for you. You can delay the timing of the pop up, or even set it to appear when the reader is just about to exit the site. It's one of the best ways to actually capture your visitors email addresses. If you don't use pop ups, you're losing a big chunk of your traffic and you might not get it back. 6. Forums Forums are a great way to directly engage your target market. If you have a blog about parenting, there are so many active forums regarding this subject with active members. You need to participate and connect well with the forum members and gain their trust. Once you've bonded with them, they are more likelyto regard you as a valuable member of the community and see you as an authority. Here are a couple of guidelines in order to leverage on forums effectively for your business: a. Find Good Forums Search on Google and look for forums with active members based on the number of discussions and responses that's going on. It's pointless to participate in a forum that's not really active and you see the number of posts and participants are really small. You would be wasting your time and effort.
Search for "your niche" + forums on Google and you'll get a string of results. Start narrowing down to a good few and start participating. b. Read the guidelines Always read the guidelines before you begin to post blindly without knowing how the forum works. Every forum have their own way of doing things so just be clear on what you're getting yourself into. As long you follow the guidelines, you won't have any problems with the forum administrators. c. The Introduction Always introduce yourself before you start participating in any discussion. Imagine if a stranger walked into your home without proper introduction and starts talking to you, how would you feel? Forum members are a tight knit community and you wouldn't want to offend anyone. Get to know them and make friends with the members from day one. d. Adding Value Contribute something to the forum members when you do this. For instance, you answer a question that helps a member at the forum. The more you do this, your credibility will begin to increase and the members will respect for your thoughts and advice. e. Signature & Profile Leave your signature file with a link that that points to your Landing page under your posts. Have a good profile about yourself but keep it short and simple. People have a very short attention span so you need to be clear on how you want to pitch yourself.
f. Be Connected
It doesn't mean you only participate when you want to talk about your new offer or pitch. Always be connected with the members because you'll never know when the opportunity will come when you need help something. So now you can offer a helping hand and they will do the same for you when you need it. Be an active member and give as much as possible. You will be seen as an expert and this will results in more and more coming to your site to find out about what you do. It's how you position yourself, so use it wisely to your advantage. It's a great source of free advertising, knowledge and more.
7.Blog Commenting This is one of the simplest ways to drive traffic to your site. Even a complete beginner can do this but you have to becareful how you about it. Most blogs don't appreciate it if you just leave a comment for the sake of driving traffic to your site. They'll know if you're genuine or not. It's called spamming and it doesn't work. What you need to do is, read the blog post or article and leave a thoughtful comment. It should be an add more value to the article and make the readers want to get to know you a little bit better. The blog owner will appreciate your comment if you do it correctly. Once the reader is curious enough, some of them might actually click the link to your site thru the comment. This is not just limited for blogs these days. Besides blogs there are Facebook pages,groups, Twitter and many other mediums where you can do this.