ATTENTION: Coaches, service providers, email marketers, and anyone who needs more qualified leads....
"Leverage the Power of FaceBook to Grow Your Mailing List...
Without the High Cost of Advertising or 3rd Party Apps!"
Dear Fellow Marketer,
Smart bloggers and marketers (just like you) are using Facebook ads to grow their mailing list, fill their webinars, and sell their products. The reasons are clear, as you've no doubt discovered:
Ultra-targeted ad placement lets you reach your ideal client easily
Step-by-step ad setup means you don't have to be an advertising expert to have great results
The cost really can't be beat!
There's just one tiny problem...
The Vast Majority of Facebook Traffic is on Mobile
And if you've ever tried to fill out a form on your cell phone--even a name and email style registration form--then you know what a pain in the neck that is. Not only do you have to try to read the details of a landing page (many of which still aren't mobile friendly) but then you have to type out your name and email and maybe more on a handheld device.
That's why Facebook debuted lead ads in the first place--to make it easier for mobile users to opt-in for your offer. Because Facebook already knows the details about the user, such as name, address, email and other information, it helpfully fills in all those fields. That leaves your potential subscriber with nothing to do but hit the "sign me up" button.
Great, huh?
There's just one small problem...
Getting the Information Out of Facebook Is...Well, Difficult
Here's where Facebook really dropped the ball in a big way.
As of right now, there's no way to integrate Facebook lead ads with your autoresponder, so when a visitor opts in for your free gift, they're not added to your mailing list. Nothing at all happens to those names and addresses unless you manually export them in a CSV file from Facebook.
Um, what?
Now of course you can manage your leads through a 3rd party app such as Driftrock...for a price. A high one.
In fact, services such as this will cost you more than $100 per month--and that's on top of what you're already paying for the ads and your mailing list manager.
For most small business owners and bloggers, that kind of money is simply not in the budget.
Introducing LeadBook,
the WordPress Plugin Built to
Manage Your Facebook Leads
Now you can take advantage of Facebook's powerful Lead Ads platform while seamlessly adding your new leads to your mailing list, thanks to this easy-to-use WordPress plugin featuring...
One-click install right from your WordPress dashboard--no FTP to fuss with or databases to create.
Simple to follow instructions for creating your Facebook app ID and connection--our illustrated user guide makes it easy.
Integrations with today's most popular email marketing services, MailChimp and AWeber--no need to learn (and pay for) new services.
Connection to unlimited lists--perfect for offering multiple opt-in incentives from your Facebook page.
Integration with endless forms and form fields--as long as the information can be added to your mailing list, LeadBook can send it.
Total control over the frequency of imports--chose hourly, daily, or twice daily depending on how often you generate leads.
Simple set up right through the familiar WordPress dashboard so there's no additional software to navigate.
No costly month-to-month charges--so you can run all the ads you like without incurring addition fees.
Customer Testimonials
"Best part of testimonial copied here to stand out (with H4 tag)..."
"Customer testimonials. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In rhoncus, metus vel congue pretium, arcu lorem consectetur nibh, quis imperdiet nisl metus et libero. Vivamus lobortis nulla eu tortor pretium sit amet accumsan mi luctus. Sed venenatis iaculis vehicula."