If you want to do business online then you need a website right! Now if you've never built a web page before and don't have a clue where to start the whole process may seem rather daunting but...
It's not that difficult!
If I can show you where to find an "open source" software program (that means it's free) and show you how to use it and have your first website built TODAY would you be interested?
The "Kompozer Training" video tutorials have successfully taken the pain of learning webpage editing away and helped many, many people get up and running... fast!
Listen to these happy students
I would like to say a very big thanks for the video tutorials that you provided. I used these to edit and upload my sales page to my web host, couldn't of done it without!
Alison, UK
I wanted to tell you that your video tutorials are excellent. Also, I am sooo appreciative to you for your support. Can't wait to get started on the advanced stuff!
Peter Jordan,
Nothing can beat the professional look of a "real website" and you'll be shown quickly and simply how to build it from scratch. Plus you'll also be shown the short-cut route of using templates to get you going much quicker.
And when you know how to build a real website you can apply that knowledge to put together much more professional looking eBay listings and attractive blog posts.