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Chapter 9: Some Secret Tips to Save Battery and Use Nook Efficiently
Being able to have a long battery capacity is very important to the user especially when there is no power available to boot the receding battery life at any given time. Therefore the user should look for ways to extend the battery life as much as possible while still ensuring the quality of the Nook’s efficiency is not adulterated.
Efficient Nook Use
There are some Nook Color features that are known for its energy sapping capabilities and this usually leads to the main causes of the battery rather short functioning lifespan. However with a few somewhat minor adjustments it is possible to overcome these issues adequately enough to prolong the battery’s life. Some of these may include measure to conserve the battery life by controlling the use of the features such as 3G, Wifi connections and LCD Screen brightness and intensity.
The 3G and Wifi connections are the main features that take up a lot of the battery power from the Nook battery life, as these applications do require the use of a lot of battery power for its optimal functionality. This is especially so when the user’s location is comparatively remote and the Nook has to resort to searching for better connectivity to limit the fluctuating responses to the connections available. One way of limiting this exercise, especially when it is not needed at the time would be to switch off the 3G and Wifi connectivity until these functions are needed. This would mean putting the Nook in “airplane” mode which effectively activates the switching off of all connections such as 3g and Wifi energy sapping elements.
Another way of conserving energy and enhancing the efficiently of the Nook would be to adjust the screen brightness and contrast by about 30% or less. comfortable with the screen’s