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Thank you for buying this WSO, you are now on your way to creating (possibly your first) Kindle book. This course like every other requires you to take action, making a kindle book is not hard it is actually one of the easiest ways to make a great income online and the best thing is that it isn't going to become overcrowded! Why? Simple, Amazon books are now selling more in the UK, where I am from, than hard copies. Kindle is revolutionary and because of it millions of people are buying digital copies of books!
Before I go on and I'm not going to blab my life story, trust me! It is absolutely vital if you want to succeed that you take action! Only 5% of people reading this will and they are the ones who will succeed. I urge you to, as you read each module, try it after. I have made this in a way that you can copy me after each step, so please do!
You could have your first amazon book made within the next 3 hours! Now this is where you choose what route you want to take, with my methods there are three main kindle routes:
1. Fiction
2. Non-Fiction
3. Recipe Books
You might have an idea in your head but please read my quick summaries on each for an idea of work involved, possible costs, longKindle term and which one is for you!
For any book (except Recipe) Amazon and I personally recommend you have at least 5000 words.
Fiction Books are by far the best selling, they are nearly always at the top of Bestsellers BUT they take the longest time to write and cost the most to outsource. If you have money (around $250) then you can outsource your book. If not you can personally write it but it will take long and in my opinion you will probably lose interest and forget your goals. BUT after you have made money on kindle and do have spare money to spend I recommend you try fiction because:
A. Your book can get more promotion
B. It can be more long-term (sales wise)
My first ever Kindle book was nonfiction and why might you chose nonfiction? Because for non-fiction you can write a short non-fiction book in around four hours (that's how long it took me) using the plentiful supplies of material you will find and it is cheaper than fiction to outsource. PLUS from my own experience non-fiction is easier to get a bestseller title from. If you do pick this you will probably end up writing a self-help book (like weight loss) so if you have experience on a certain niche then it will be easier for you.
Recipes? Huh? Yes recipe books, they sell! Especially for kindle because it is portable. Recipe Books are by far the quickest kindle book to make and if you want this done quick, pick the Recipe route. Why is it so quick? Because you can 'steal' recipes. Recipes are not copyrightable so we just take and slightly rewrite recipes. ALSO there are PLENTY of online recipe website that give us reviews so we can create a kindle book filled with quality and what people like!
So now you know what the three kindle routes I recommend starting by picking one (Fiction, Non-Fiction or Recipe) for now and let's get your kindle book under way!
The next step once you have picked a Kindle Route is to do your VITAL BUT QUICK niche research in module 1. This is necessary no matter what kindle route you are taking.