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One of the key components to good copywriting is to make your copy speak directly to your customer. This means avoiding the common tendency of being generic.
It also involves speaking to the customer, not at them. By making your copy personal, you will have a better chance of reeling in your customers and really grabbing their attention.
People respond best to their name. When a person sees something with their name on it, they are more likely to read it. The Internet offers many tools that allow you to personalize your copy for your customers.
These tools will insert your customers name into the selected areas of the text. This can have a very powerful effect.
Your copy should be written so that an average person can easily read it and understand it. Many times when writing a copy, people get lost in technical jargon or tend to talk around the subject.
The trick is to just write in a plain and straight forward manner. Your customers will be more likely to read through to the end if you do.