Want to make your graphics stand out? "Instantly Spice Up All Of Your Headers, Banners, eCovers, Videos, Splash Pages And All Other Graphics...."
Dear Friend,
Want to make your graphics POP and look trully professional? One of the easiest ways to add some flair to your graphics is by adding a cool abstract background as the back drop of your design. Let me show you what I mean...
Here are some examples of what a nice background can do for a design. In the first example, I have a "before and after" header image I created for this product...
It's the exact same header, the only difference being a cool background in the final header image. You can see that the first header looks kind of plain, but once you add that cool background, the whole design just comes together.
Here is another "before and after" example with a box cover I created for this product...
Again it's the same design, with the only difference being the abstract background. And that small difference makes ALL the difference.
You can spice up and improve pretty much any kind of design with a nice abstract background. You can use plain text, with a nice background and nothing else, and you'll have a cool simple design. Fast and easy.