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Tortured Tomatoes with Bird Dropping Dressing
2 lg Ripe tomatoes
2 tb Crumbled blue cheese
Roquefort dressing
Serrated knife
Ziploc bag
4 Salad bowls
Wash the tomatoes in cold water and with an adults help, cut into half inch slices. Place slices in plastic bag. Squeeze out any extra air and close the bag tightly. Lay the bag on a clean plate placed in the sink. Now make a fist and gently pound the tomato slices until they look tortured. Divide the tortured tomatoes among the four bowls and sprinkle with a half tablespoon of crumbled cheese. Then, holding a spoon at least 12" from the salad bowl (to approximate the altitude of a low flying bird), dribble a glob of dressing onto each one.