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There is this common tendency among most smokers to be in denial about their smoking attachment. They console themselves by believing they can easily quit the habit of smoking even if they know quite well that in reality they can’t. If one finally musters the courage to admit his or her addiction to smoking, he or she is one step closer to beating the smoking addiction. Once this realization sets in, half the battle is won.
Are you a smoker? Are you then ashamed to be seen as some sort of weak person who can never do away with his regular habit of smoking? You have these silly excuses like, “I need something to soothe my nerves” or “It helps me think better”. Reasons like “I need to unwind” are also used to defend the habit. Even though smoking is addictive, it’s important to not make excuses for your habit. Accept that you have a problem, that’s the 1st step in moving forward. Making excuses reinforces that fact that you are incapable of letting go of your habit to begin with, and that you can't do any routine activities without a cigarette. Admit that you are simply addicted to smoking and take the bull by the horns.
This realization is not at all an embarrassment, nor something to feel inferior about. Be bold and proud to stand out from rest of the smoke-addicts. Tobacco is so dangerous that it won’t spare you until you succumb terminally. Being caught up in having to smoke causes you to never know when you have finally let its deadly grip over you. It may be too late as it starts contaminating each breath you take. You and only you can save yourself.
The first thing I suggest for you to do is to take a look at yourself in the mirror. Look at your image at least for a minute. Try to visualize the cigarette and its smoke as a bunch of tentacles of a deadly octopus that has already gripped you from all around. It is perhaps at this crucial moment that the realization would dawn upon you that you are in fact addicted to smoking.
The thought might appear infuriating initially; humiliating on the first take. It may hurt your pride. But I tell you this is not the time to lose control of yourself. It takes a strong person to accept their weaknesses. Don’t look upon it as something damaging to your ego, rather muster the courage to face it. Only then will you be able to fight back and regain your self-esteem.