SEX Sells... So Does Video... WARNING: What You Are About to Discover Will Piss Off Your Competition!
My Fellow Internet Marketer,
I have no idea how you found me... Maybe a friend referred you to me... Maybe you have attended my training... Perhaps you stumbled into me by pure luck...
But, however you got here, I have to say... I WISH I was in your shoes YEARS AGO... I wish I met someone who would just 'break it down' and stop wasting my time so that I could just get on to making some real money on the internet...
You see, there is A LOT of HYPE out there on the internet... especially when it comes to internet marketing. Nowadays you can't even read your email without some offer to make $5,000 overnight while in your pajamas, sipping a margarita, on the beach with your laptop, somewhere on a cruise ship... all at the SAME time! (or however the next lame dumb ass sales letter goes).
Here is some advice from someone that fell for A LOT of those sales letters back in the day: SKIP THE BS and go back to basics. Stop drinking the KOOL AID...
There are THREE BASICS to ANY type of marketing. They are (in this EXACT order):
1. GRAB their attention (snail mail envelope, email subject, PPC link, SERP... etc.)
2. DELIVER your offer (get them to read, understand, watch, pay attention to... etc.)
3. Get them to TAKE SOME ACTION (order your ebook, sign up for email, call etc.)
THAT IS IT. In a nutshell that is the entire drive of marketing. Done. You just saved yourself $9,995 and 11 years of reading through 1448 different versions of the same fluff.
You need to know that a great deal of the marketing 'advice' you get is from very clever people, with fairly sophisticated 'systems', that make the whole process completely impossible to understand and then blame you for not 'getting it'.