Eight seconds. That is the frequency with which home invasions occur in North America. About every eight seconds, a burglary or theft occurs in an American home. To put that in perspective, consider that just in the time you have been reading these few sentences, two to three homes were just invaded, shattering the lives of the people residing there.
To make matters worse, consider this—many of those invasions occurred while one or more residents were home! Certainly considering this, it becomes evidently clear that protecting your home is about much more than the possibility of losing a few prized, but replaceable possessions. It is much more importantly about protecting the lives and health of yourself, and of all those most precious of lives living with you.
If this scares you, it should. Sadly, there is no way around that. It is scary to think that some opportunistic criminal could do harm to you and yours and take for his or her own what you have worked so hard to earn. But there is a key in that last sentence: opportunistic.
Below is a list of article titles that this PLR Article package has:
Achieving safety with a burglar alarm
All about lock picking
All about padlocks
All about pepper spray
Basic Knowledge about home surveillance
Fire Escape Ladders and Your Home
Guard Dogs and Home Security
Gund and Home Sucurity
How Home Video Surveillance Works
How Pepper Spray Works
Improving Your Security and Privacy
Information About Home Security
And so much more inside...