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Till now we have discussed about how to resist the temptation to eat while you are happy and surrounded by family. Perhaps the only temptation that is harder to resist is that of eating when lonely and missing someone who should have been with you this holiday season. Studies have shown that depression rears its ugly head more often and with more intensity during the holidays than at any other time. And it’s no wonder. If you’re without someone this year, or if the year wasn’t good to you and the following one don’t look much better, it can be very easy to get down in the dumps. Everyone seems so happy and excited, and all you want to do is turn off the lights and climb under the covers until there’s not a reindeer in sight.
Depression is, of course, one of the most powerful triggers to overeating. For many of us, eating good food simply makes us feel better. It is, unfortunately, only a temporary fix. When the cookies are nothing but crumbs and there are three empty boxes of cheese crackers littering the countertop, we can feel worse than ever, knowing what’s waiting for us when we get up the courage to step onto the scale. It’s a vicious circle, and there’s only one way to break it - you have to look for other means to make your doldrums go away and let the happiness wink through. Food isn’t the answer to every problem or sorrow, any more than alcohol is. Here are some things you can do to fight off the emotional desire to eat and have something to really feel good about when the New Year rolls around in a few weeks.
If you don’t live in a frozen tundra, get outside and go for a walk. This isn’t like the walk from before –the one that you were doing for exercise. This walk doesn’t need to be brisk, or even consistent. It can simply be a leisurely stroll through the neighborhood, or along the beach, or through the woods. You may not be aware of it, but fresh air has amazing curative powers on our body and mind!
Get together with friends and family as often as possible. Being with others, laughing and carrying on can be a great way to take your mind off the things that are bothering you the most. If you don’t have this kind of a support system, check the paper for public holiday functions you can attend. Chances are your city is throwing more of them than you know. Simply show up by yourself and surround yourself with the festivities. Even being around strangers and partaking in the mirth can lift at least a corner of your depression curtain.