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Many of us have grand aspirations. It is extremely common to hear people announcing that they’re going to start a new training program, that they’re going to write the next great novel, or that they’re going to improve their careers.
The problem? They never get anywhere. Or at least, the vast majority of people don’t. We all know a couple of people who are highly successful in dating, fitness, business, and money. But they are rare.
The rest of us make these promises to ourselves, and then we never keep them.
There are a million reasons for this. But there is one amazing solution: and it’s called Kaizen.
What is Kaizen?
Kaizen is a Japanese word meaning “improvement.” However, when you hear the word Kaizen it’s likely talking about the notion of making small changes in order to add up to a big impact.
The idea is simple: that if you want to make massive changes in your life, you’re best off not trying to make them all in one go. Instead, you should commit to making tiny changes regularly, such that they add up to a massive change.
The concept initially comes from manufacturing (Toyota to be specific!). Here, we see the use of assembly lines where lots of machines and people work together in order to build a big and valuable product. Each one has a role to play, but the result is the sum of all their work together.
Now let’s say that one job done by a human takes five minutes per vehicle. They need to take a bunch of cogs and wash them, then place them on the conveyer belt.
Because why not.
But then we apply kaizen. We look for a small change that can make a big difference: we get them a better cleaning tool. It now takes only 3 minutes to clean each cog.
And suddenly, you’re saving two minutes per vehicle. If we previously got through 30 vehicles in a day, we’re now saving 60 minutes or an hour. Seeing as we were averaging around 16 cars per hour, we can now complete at least another 16 vehicles in that time.
It’s probably quite obvious at this point that I know nothing about manufacturing. But that’s not the point. The point is that by focussing on tiny details of a larger process, you can make a huge beneficial outcome. And kaizen is about applying this philosophy to every aspect of business, life, and health.
How to Apply Kaizen to Your Life
Applying kaizen to your own life then means doing a couple of things. First, you hone in on what it is that you are hoping to change. Maybe you plan on starting a workout program, and that means you need to give yourself more time and energy.
Maybe you want to save money and get out of debt.
Either way, the old way of doing things doesn’t work.
The Old Way of Doing Things
The old way of doing things was to say: I want to get into shape, and so I’m going to start going to the gym four times a week.
Seems reasonable enough, right? Until you realise that those four hour workouts are also surrounded by half hour car journeys to and from the gym. 15 minutes of getting dressed and undressed and a 10 minute shower. You also need to prep your clothes for the next day and wash the smelly ones. That’s now 8 hours of new activities, at a time when you previously (apparently) didn’t have time or energy. This rarely works.
And yet we continue to make this approach when it comes to our training for a few obvious reasons. One is that it is much “sexier” to start a program that promises to help you look amazing in a month. Another is because that’s precisely what the media and most companies want us to do. Gyms would not sell many memberships by telling people to start from home and take it slow!
The new way of doing things is to take a long hard look at your current situation. To assume that your schedule is full, or that your energy (which is a finite resource) is at least partly used.
Kaizen then means looking at this routine, and looking for the small changes you can make to it to make you more productive and more efficient.