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1. Purpose of Report
The purpose of this report is to reveal how I set up my Joint venture to promote my ebook, “EXPOSED!”- 101 Proven Strategies To Get More Visitors To Your Web Site In One Day Than Most Web Sites Get In A Year! This report will reveal the strategy I used in setting up the Joint Venture. I will also provide you with the actual emails that I used.
2. Distribution Rights
This is a FREE Report and you have the right to freely distribute this report.
3. Richard Quek’s JV Secrets
Your Passport To Getting Joint Venture Deals With Top Internet Marketers
“Discover the Secret To Creating Lucrative Joint Ventures That Can Boost Your Credibility And Create A Pipeline Of Cash Flows Within The Next 30 Days...Even If You Do Not Have Your Own Product Or Have Never Set Up A Joint Venture Before”
This ebook is on the subject of Joint Venture. It reveals how I started my first JV project back in 2003 without having contacts with any JV partners. Using some simple strategies and resources I now have the opportunity to work with some of the top Internet marketers in the world.
4. The JV Project - EXPOSED!
101 Proven Strategies To Get More Visitors To Your Web Site In One Day Than Most Web Sites Get In A Year!
Do you like the heading? Well I would like to thank one person for suggesting the heading - 101 Proven Strategies To Get More Visitors To Your Web Site In One Day Than Most Web Sites Get In A Year!
All credit goes to Mark Hendricks for suggesting that impressive title. Mark, thanks for your help!
After my first joint venture with the launch of the Internet Money Machine ebook I decided to author another ebook. By this time I have tested many of the traffic generating strategies available on the Internet, so the book will be on the topic of traffic generation.
The EXPOSED book reveals 101 strategies for generating traffic to any web site. It took me a few months of preparation as this book comes with a printed copy as well besides the ebook version.
How do I promote EXPOSED?
Since I had first hand experience from my first JV project (The Internet Money Machine), I had to plan another strategy for promoting this ebook.
What was my strategy?
“I will approach some of the top Internet marketers for their testimonials and I’ll offer them the opportunity to promote the ebook upon launch.
They will have the first mover advantage.”
Hey, that’s killing two birds with one stone. So I started planning and creating my emails. I usually create all my emails before I start taking action so I know the flow. After that it will be just copy and paste!
I have my existing list of JV partners and need to compile a new list as well. By the way I also provided testimonials to other Internet marketers and start building relationships with these Internet marketers by now.
Here are some of the emails that I used for the EXPOSED project.
Request for Testimonials
Invitation email sent out to my JV partners…
I hope you are well. I would like to *thank you* for your continuous support and encouragement.
The reason I am writing to you is because I am finalizing *my fourth book*, ‘EXPOSED! – 101 Ways to EXPOSE Your Web Site. I would be honored if you could provide me with a short endorsement for the book.
Please download a *‘review copy’* of the ebook here:
I’ll also appreciate any *comments* and recommendations to improve it.
Should you have any *suitable resources* that will be suitable for inclusion in the book, please let me know.
Here are some of the *things* that I have prepared for you for your support:
1. Your testimonial, including your name and web site address will be included in both versions of the book- paperback copy and ebook.
2. These testimonials will also be included on the web site.
3. I’ll provide you a complimentary copy of the ‘completed ebook’.
4. Once the book is printed, I’ll send you a complimentary paperback copy of the book.
5. Before I launch the ebook to the public at a price of $47.00, I’ll like to offer you the *opportunity* to promote the ebook to your list. You’ll be the first few Internet marketing leaders to promote the ebook. I’ll set the *commission* at clickbank to 65% during the pre-launch. After 30 days (or depending on your feedback I’ll reset the commission to 50% and launch it to the general public). What this means is that you’ll be able to take advantage of the *pre-launch* with a 65% commission. Please let me know if you’re interested in this JV so that I can inform you once the ebook and web site is ready.
Thanks for reading and I hope for a favorable reply from you.