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Ok, so lets get started on our list of different types of joint venture partners. Your first example is the private list owner that only promotes their own products. Now deducing and coming up with an offer that suits the situation, involves only one thing and that's you putting yourself in the shoes of the person that you're contacting. Ask yourself questions, lots of questions. Who am I contacting? What is their target market? Do they have the resources that I'll need to get my promotions out? Am I in direct competition with them? And most importantly, judging by what you've seen through their mailings, what do they want more of, or what will be most valuable to them?
It's important not to ask the question, what do they not have that I do? Which many other guides seem to teach. This is because, taking this in a literal
sense, they may have something already but that does not necessarily mean they don't want more of it. So don't assume just because they have some that they don't want more.
So let’s identify what you need out of this deal first. What do they have that you want? The first thing that you should think about when forming a deal is ‘how valuable is it?’ Different types of deals involve different values or resources. For example a private list is far more valuable than a public list and, therefore, it's likely that you're going to have to do more, and have an even more accurate offer, if you want to be accepted.
So what do you want that this person has? Well, for a start look at what they have. They have this list which is most likely comprised of previous customers, and people who have experienced this person and have been around them for a long time. What this should immediately tell you is that you don't just want an ad to their list, but you’re going to want them to say something good about you and your product. An endorsement. This will immediately increase response rates compared to the standard ad due to the element of trust on the list owner’s part.
So we have one thing that we want. Is there anything else apart from an ad with a little information about why they recommend your product personally? Nothing for now, let’s keep this straight forward. Great, so now we know exactly what we want out of deal, we need to start looking at the specifics. After a little jump into their shoes let’s see what we can dig up in the way of making the deal more successful and accurate to avoid those big no's.
The first thing that I can see is that their priority is not commissions. They're not promoting affiliate programs, but as we already mentioned just their own products. This tells me that affiliate commissions aren't the way to go because, lets face it, this person is creating their own products and making 100% on each of them. That’s reason number one why commissions are unlikely to work. Number two, they're interested in keeping their prized lists nice, clean and tidy. Trying to get them to promote something for commissions is as good as asking them to open up their lists and start promoting affiliate programs. You’re very unlikely to get a positive response from that on its own as you can see. We need something more.
So what else can we give them? The next thing that comes to most peoples minds is their own product. So you could mail them your product. Whether they would they find it valuable on its own is another matter. Put yourself in their place to find out. Are you sending out a marketing ‘how to’ product to someone earning ten or twenty thousand dollars a week? It’s probably not the best idea because it won’t hold any value. Are you sending out a marketing report or some astounding results you've received from some new research that no one’s heard about yet? Maybe you have an amazing piece of software you use to run your business quickly and easily every day for example. These are the types of situations where I'd start to assume the product holds some value in this particular situation.
One catch though, always, always send over a copy of the product or, at the very least, a link to download it if you're having trouble with attachments. It doesn't have to be there to add value, but you're going to use it to add weight to the deal when you can and it's absolutely no good trying to do so if it's just not valuable to the person you're joint venturing with. The only reason you should be sending it over, in this case is as a preview. Nothing more, nothing less. A simple method of showing exactly what you're promoting without having to write a five thousand word explanation.
So let me ask you. If you were in this situation and had already eliminated the obvious, or used it to do other jobs aside from adding value to your deal, as we've done above, what else can you think of that we can use to close the deal with this person? Remember to ask yourself what is it they want and why do they want it? What would you offer in this situation? The key to being able to do this is to understand what’s most important to this person. Here are a couple of hints for you. Many successful people have already learned to think in other terms. Rather than money and sales they build their resources, and their reputations in an indirect way instead. See if you can come up with two of your own ideas relating to closing this deal before we move on and talk about two of the most useful ideas that you can put forward.