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When we talk about free radicals, you must see them as the good guys who are produced by our bodies and antioxidants as the salvation to your bodies that come from outside.
Free radicals are something that we all produce in our daily living. Free radicals are formed from the cells when our body produces energy. They are formed when we eat, live, breathe, do the daily chores or go to a job. When we live our lives, our cell in our bodies are introduced to different toxins.
Stress is a big factor in our society. Stress is being amplified through your job, lack of sleep, bad eating habits (lack of nutrients), etc. Consequently, this creates more free radical damage to our bodies because your body needs more energy to compete with the stress factors.
But there is a salvation that is called the antioxidants.
Antioxidants protect the cells from the damage of the free radicals and therefore you should get as much antioxidants to your body as possible especially when your daily routines are not that healthy. However, we all have choices to make and some of us live healthier lives than others.
It's been under discussion if you get enough antioxidants from your daily menu and the general consensus seems to be leaning towards a direction where the opinion is that regular food does not contain enough vitamins and antioxidants to keep our bodies healthy from the attack of the free radicals.
Did you know that if you're just generally consuming some health products that say they have a lot of antioxidants, you're not going to get healthy with them? Why? It's very simple and the reason is this: these antioxidants have only one shot to go into the cells and “give them a good treatment”. Thus, it's important that you get quality products that really deliver what they promise. Liquid form is the best because your body can consume it much faster.
There are quite many antioxidant rich fruits that deliver a whole pack of vitamins and minerals within. It's been researched that there are three “super foods” that contain a great mixture of ingredients your body needs. These antioxidants should be consumed daily to keep your cells healthy and not let the free radicals run free, damaging our bodies.
The next chapter investigates what these three antioxidants are all about and what are their health benefits are when consuming them.
It's important for you to understand that healthy living is not only about you eating healthily (organically grown products), but also that you get enough antioxidants on a regular basis because it's really the only way to keep your body from getting a severe disease.