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Chapter 4: Juicing for Weight Loss
A lot of people who are trying to lose weight, whether it be a few pounds or the start of a much larger weight loss plan, have begun turning to juicing for assistance. This is because of the power that juicing has when it comes to being healthy and losing weight in a healthy manner.
One very important thing to remember is to never try and lose weight too quickly as this can be dangerous and can actually do the opposite of what you are trying to achieve. Juicing offers people who need to lose weight a manner in which they can do so that is easy to do while being cost efficient and safe.
The following chapter will go over the basics of juicing for weight loss and will provide you with a few recipes that will get you off to a start in the right direction.
The secret to healthy weight loss is burning off more calories in a day than you take in. For some people this may be more true than for others, this is especially true for people who have a hard time being active.
The good news is the fact that juicing can offer a large amount of help when it comes to losing weight, especially when you want to do so in a healthy manner. Part of the reason it can be so difficult for people to lose weight is the fact that it can be hard to get all of the nutrients you need to function on a daily basis. Juicing helps with this problem by allowing you to consume large amounts of nutrients without having to consume large amount of food. As mentioned before, in order to get the nutrients you require to function by eating fruits and vegetables, it would feel as if you were eating all day. This is due to the fact that fruits and vegetables burn off and are absorbed by the body very quickly. Juicing vegetables however extracts all of the nutrients from fruits and vegetables and turns it into a liquid juice form that is much easier to digest than a solid form.
An added benefit of juicing while trying to lose weight is the fact that it will make you feel less hungry. This will help you to stay on the right track and continue your progress with your weight loss.
One very important thing to remember about juicing is the fact that it removes fiber from your food. Fiber is very important to the way your body functions, especially when it comes to your digestive system. For this reason, you will still have to eat some regular food on top of your juice. You will likely have less of an appetite due to the fact that you are well nourished so temptations to eat unhealthy food will be kept at bay.
Many people have experienced first-hand how powerful the tool of juicing can be when it is applied to long weight in a healthy manner. One thing they all have in common is a strong sense of determination and the real want for a life style change.
There is however some important tips that you need to keep in mind while you are juicing to lose weight and they are as follows:
Keep it Raw and Organic
It is very important that you keep all of your vegetables and fruits that you are juicing with raw and organic. It is true that they may be a bit more expensive but it is worth the extra cost. Non-organic fruits and vegetables can contain pesticides and other toxic substances so they should be avoided when juicing. As well, cooked vegetables and fruits will not provide as much nutrients when juiced as raw ones.
Remain Active
It is important that you are aware of the fact that simply juicing alone will not provide you with the weight loss results that you expect. It is important that you remain active while your body is flushing away fat and toxins because after all, you want to shed the fat not your muscles.
Buy Smart
As mentioned before, organic fruits and vegetables can be a bit more expensive than regular fruits and vegetables. For this reason it is important that you find a way in which you can get the best quality produce while not breaking your budget. You can do this by visiting farmer’s markets and other local produce stands. Here you will find top notch organic produce at a reasonable and affordable price.
Do Research on Recipes’
It is crucial that you conduct research on the weight loss recipes that you plan on using. Do not take the word of one person telling you a recipe is safe or effective as reliable. Some weight loss juicing recipes can be dangerous and there are recipes out there that claim to help lose weight but actually cause people to gain more weight. For these reasons it is very important that you make sure you are well informed on the recipes you use.
Chapter 5: Juicing for Youngsters
If you are a parent, or know someone who is, you are probably more than aware of the fact that it can be nearly impossible to get children to consume the amount of fruits and vegetables they need to in order to be properly nourished. The good news is that it is possible and it is likely a lot less difficult than you may think.
Juicing has many benefits, one benefit that many parents enjoy is the fact that it offers them a way to provide their children with something healthy that they will actually enjoy. Some of the recipes you can use for kids will taste so delicious the kids will have no idea that they are consuming something healthy.
The following chapter will go over the basics of juicing for youngsters and will provide you with a few recipes you may want to consider trying.
A lot of parents have a problem in common and that is the fact that it can be very difficult to get a child to eat food that is healthy and nutritious for them. Placing a salad or some sliced carrots on a plate in front of a child will likely get you the same glare as if you broke their favorite toys.