Ebook Sample Content Preview:
In the letter above I used my own ebook that I had written as extra leverage to get publishers to participate in my JV contest but you don' t need to have written your own ebook to use this idea. Here' s why...
You Can Ask Th Publishers If They Have Any Original Freebies To Throw In The Pot...
Many times some of the publishers you will be contacting have other ebooks or original reports that they have created themselves. When you email them simply mention that a free ebook with resale rights would attract more people to the contest and ask them if the have one they would like to include as a free download for everyone who enters the contest. You can also ask if they have any good free reports that you may compile with reports from the other publishers into a free ebook.
If any of your publishers don' t have one of the two then simply keep seeking out ezine publishers until you find one who does. But since many of the people you will be contacting are in the information publishing business it should not be that difficult to put together a good free ebook in a short amount of time.
Also ask if they would be willing got give away one free solo ad.
Setting Up The Contest Page(s)
Yes, you' re going to be doing most of the work...
As I told you in the letter that you read when you purchased this report, ALL YOU NEED IS THE WILL AND DETERMINATION TO SUCCEED. That means that you' ll have to do some work.
You see the thing is most of the ezine/newsletter publishers out there would love to put together a subscriber pulling Joint Venture contest but they just don' t have the time to set it up and run it themselves.
That' s were you come in:-) You are going to be the one setting up the contest page and collecting and delivering all the subscribers. It will be some work, not hard work though. Many publishers will be pleased that you will do all of the dirty work.