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You don’t have to worry about a lack of programming experience. Even if you have never written a line of code in your life, you can still release successful apps.
The main way to create apps without programming is to outsource the development. If you have a very specific ideas for your app, this may be your only option.
Make sure you hire someone who has significant experience creating iPhone and iPad apps. Many programmers think they know how to create an app, but soon discover it’s more complex than they thought. You should be certain to hire someone who has already created apps that work on the iPhone and iPad, and who can show you examples.
Never pay 100% of the development cost up front! Try to pay a 10% to 25% deposit. If the programmer has excellent, verifiable references, you might go as high as 50% up front. You never want to risk paying 100% up front, no matter how impeccable their references are. What if (God forbid) they passed away during development? Anything can happen.
In order to ensure you get the app you really want, be sure you have as many details as possible about the app before you start looking for a programmer. You will want to map out functionality, screen layouts, etc. so the programmer knows exactly what you want before work starts. This will save you both a lot of time, money, and frustration.
Also, be certain to get your programmer to sign an NDA and a NCA. An NDA is a non-disclosure agreement that ensures they won’t talk to anyone about your app, potentially opening you up to competition before your app is even available. An NCA is an agreement that the developer won’t release an app that competes with yours, and can also prevent them from developing a similar app for someone else for a period of time. An attorney can help you draw up these agreements. You may even want to get an NDA while in the hiring process so you can talk about your app in detail to ensure the programmer is confident they can do what you want before you hire him or her.