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5 Top Tips for Introverts Who Stink at Networking
The definition of the word network is "to connect or operate with a net-work." In a business sense, the word means to "interact with other people to exchange information and develop contacts, especially to further one's career or business." Since many introverts despise the very thought of making small talk, meeting strangers, spending time in large groups and other networking must-dos, the introverted entrepreneur may be chal-lenged.
Don't worry, introvert-preneur, help is here.
The following 5 tips will help even the most introverted entrepreneur or businessperson excel at networking, making it a powerful skill rather than necessary exercise to be despised and avoided.
1 – Remind Yourself That Everyone at the Networking Event Can't Wait to Meet You
This is the beauty of networking! You don't have to do a lot of hard work. Everyone is there to meet you. They can't wait to see what you have to offer them, that can benefit your business and theirs. You shouldn't feel insecure or self-conscious as if you are hanging out at a bar or a party. Simply by being there, other people are telling you they want to hear what you have to say. 5 Your Website URL
2 – Steer Conversations by Asking A Lot Of Questions
Most people feel comfortable talking about themselves, extroverts or in-troverts. Make that easy for others, and you will not have to do much talking. Ask a question early on in the meet and greet process, and you will control the conversation with your natural ability to listen rather than talk.
3 – Create an Exit Strategy
Before you attend a networking event, tell yourself you will leave at a specific time. Allow yourself to be the most extroverted person in the room for 20 or 30 or 60 minutes, and then head home for some alone time to recharge your introverted batteries.
4 – Meet and Greet Online First
Introverts have a much easier time interacting with people online than off, in many cases. When you reach out to fellow networking attendees before an event online, you take a lot of pressure off a face-to-face meeting. This can create a friendship that means going to a networking event with someone you feel comfortable with.
5 – Plan and Prepare… And Then Prepare Some More 6 Your Website URL
Spend some alone time thinking about what you will talk about when you meet someone. Choose 2 or 3 topics you feel very comfortable with dis-cussing, those that will also help you meet your networking needs. Pre-pare what you are going to say and how to say it, because practice makes perfect. 7 Your Website URL
Affiliate Marketing – The Perfect Busi-ness for the Introverted Entrepreneur
All introverts are not "like this", and all extroverts are not "like that". Ex-troverted or introverted traits and characteristics are part of a person's personality, not the totality of it. No two introverts are completely alike, but if you tend towards introversion rather than extroversion, you gener-ally have a dislike for the following things.
• Making small talk
• Networking for business
• Selling yourself
• Meeting new people
• Not enough time to spend alone
• Talking on the phone ... for any reason
• Crowds
This could be a problem if an introverted person were to become an en-trepreneur. Starting and running your own business can be difficult if you don't enjoy or are not good at networking, selling, meeting, and greeting and doing other things that most introverts would rather avoid.
Introverts worry no more. There is a perfect entrepreneurial career path that is right for you, and it is called affiliate marketing. 8 Your Website URL
To define affiliate marketing is easy. You let people know about a partic-ular product or service. If they buy that product or service, you are paid a commission. That is all there is to affiliate marketing. You don't have to get up in front of large crowds and give presentations, and you never have to network if you don't want to.
Spending hours on the phone is entirely up to you, but you never have to speak to another human being again, as far as business is concerned, when you become an affiliate marketing entrepreneur. All you have to do is apply to become an affiliate for any number of companies online, and you never have to speak to anyone.
Approval is not as hard as you may think because companies are more than happy to have you promote their products and services. Then you simply write blog posts, make videos, post to social media, build an email list and promote offers to it, or do any other number of things that you would like to do to get people looking at your affiliate offers.