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This brings me to my next point and that's don't try to do everything on your own. A big mistake many marketers make is that they decide that they want all the profits for themselves and try to do everything alone. This is all well and good if you want to be making a couple of thousand a month maybe but if you want to surpass that you need to expand a little. That's not to say that you need to go around partnering on every single site that you create but it does mean that you need to think a little more about working in a team wherever possible.
Partnerships are one example and you'll be splitting the profits 50/50. However lets say for example you both have the same amount of resources to get your promotion out through different contacts and each others lists, affiliates, Jv’s and customers, mix in a little bit of your expertise and you'll end up making the same amount of cash anyway if things are dead even. What you will get though are double the visitors, double the people in your follow-up, and double your affiliates adding fifty percent to your total income from the product to start with. On top of that you'll be pulling in double the resources to promote to in the future.
So you see it's important to start working as a team. Don't worry if you haven't got anyone to work in a team with yet. After your first few products you'll start to see some contacts land in your lap that you can join up with later. There is another example of this and that's when people don't want to grant affiliate commissions because they don't want to be losing any cash. I can totally understand it if you have a huge amount of resources already, but when you don't have that type of promotion power under your belt, affiliates are the way to go.
Affiliates, however, are here to stay, and they'll be the difference between your 1 k a month and your 20k a month and upwards. Remember, affiliates are making sales that it's likely you wouldn't have made anyway, so there's nothing wrong with granting them more out of the profits than you're earning per sale. If you have a problem doing this you're going to struggle so, if this really isn't something you want to do, take some time out and check how much you'd be earning if you gave 60% to say ten affiliates making a particular number of sales on your product on top of your personal sales. You should start to see how much more profitable this is than trying to go it alone, which is both time consuming and expensive, cutting into your profits big time unless you use these resources for the leverage you need to make your one person promotion team into a ten, a hundred or even thousand plus person promotion team. It's at this stage this point really starts to become clear.
So there we have it. The top reasons that I believe get in the way of marketers goals and stop them from succeeding. Do you see any of these in yourself? If you do, remove them, or fix them. It doesn't matter how you do it, just make sure you do, because they will hold you back and in all of the examples above will stop you from ever succeeding unless you can overcome them.
It's a fact that we as online marketers as I've mentioned before have to be multi skilled. When you get into the scene it's very, very rare and unlikely that you'll have everything you need to succeed, and there will be many problems, walls and obstacles that you have to personally overcome before you can make a success of this. You see, us marketers are all a little box of versatility, (you included). This is the most powerful of any tool at our disposal and will make us all successes. Unfortunately as much good as it does for those of us who understand this, it's detrimental to those who don't, and they will go on buying and buying guide after guide, getting frustrated and failing until they either quit, or learn this.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this report. It is indeed the most negative of them all, and I prefer to concentrate on success rather than why people fail. Alas it had to be done and was too important to leave out and not tell you about. We'll end here now, but before we do, I just want to make a note. If none of the above apply to you right now that’s great. Take the knowledge contained within this report, put it to good use, and I look forward to seeing many successful products come from you. Be careful though, just because you don't have these problems right now, you may develop any of them later. Don't forget what you've just been reading and you'll do just fine.