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Anyway, per the new update, FTC plans to crack down not just on the affiliate marketers but also the IM gums with all those over-the-top testimonials, such as: "I was able to make $lm thanks to [my gum buddy's] product"!
Hmm, now that really gets interesting, considering that FTC is grossly understaffed to battle with the 100s of IM gums alone (with a couple of new "gums" born everyday), not to speak of the army of affiliates! We will wait and see. Maybe they would outsource part of their job!
Will this put an end to practices like "testimonial begging" or "JV for testimonials" indulged in by some internet marketers? Maybe the gums would soon come up with a report called: The Death of Internet Marketing (and Rise of Offline Marketing)
Personally I am happy and relieved about one thing: this would be (hopefully) the end of gums' over-the-top, hyped-to-the-core, testimonials we see on the salespages of other gums; IMHO these testimonials tend to make an already painfully long salesletter even longer (okay, maybe wishful thinking but I really hope these testimonials are wiped out)!
Now, for us little guys-as far as getting testimonial from customers goes-one thing I have learned (I am not sure if my XXX option holds water here but I would say it anyway) is that - if you overdeliver at every point you are bound to get UNSOLICITED testimonials.
Maybe you would get fewer unsolicited testimonials, but they that are 1000 times more valuable than the testimonials you get by begging your gum buddies. Those testimonials are not only FTC compliant (I am not a lawyer but this is what I believe) but also your precious business assets! By all means, after you are done with delivering the product, ask, ask the customer for a testimonial...
The mle pf thumb here is: Don’t make an indiscreet effort to get a testimonial from your customer, like begging, twisting arms, offering cash/non-cash incentives, etc. Do everything discreetly, such as - have a link to a testimonial form just below your product download link, ask the customer for a testimonial in the product thankyou email, etc. Here is one more method that almost always works; however I don't get time to do it as often as before:
Every time you receive the "Notification of Payment received" email from Paypal, promptly email the customer asking him about what he felt about the product. NOTE: Esp. in IM niche, personal emails are far more effective than autoresponders. If you cannot handle this job yourself, it maybe a good idea to outsource it (provided that you get someone with a cool temper and winsome disposition)!