Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Chapter 1: What is Internet Marketing and Why Should You Care?
Internet marketing simply entails promoting your business on the web. Any marketing activity that is carried out online is considered ‘internet marketing’ and that includes:
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Content marketing
Social media marketing
PPC advertising
Influencer marketing
Press releases
Email marketing
And more…
These various pillars of internet marketing can each help you to bring more visitors to a website or a blog and that in turn then gives you the opportunity to promote your business and hopefully drive ‘conversions’ (i.e. turning visitors into customers).
What makes internet marketing so effective is that it doesn’t have to cost a huge amount to be successful. You can spend an awful lot of SEO and content marketing and thereby try to get your site to the top of Google, but sometimes it just takes one smartly placed link to drive huge amounts of traffic to your site.
And if you’re willing to put in consistent time and effort, then anyone can build a massive, loyal audience thereby become a big influencer in their niche. Thus, internet marketing is the ‘great equalizer’. Marketing no longer requires a huge budget: it is now something that you can do just as well as the largest organizations – as long as you’re smart with it.
Internet marketing has other advantages too: it allows you to actually engage with your audience for instance. Using social media or running contests means that you’re able to interact with the very customers you’re trying to obtain and get feedback from them. Then there’s the simple fact that the web is capable of reaching such a huge audience – including people from all around the world. If you’re selling something with international shipping, then this is by far the best way to reach a global audience.
Who is Internet Marketing For?
For all these reasons, internet marketing is for everyone. No matter what type of business you are running, you should be able to benefit from internet marketing and find that it can help you to increase your brand visibility, to grow your audience and to make bigger profits.
Some businesses are only able to exist thanks to internet marketing. These are the entirely online businesses, such as people who sell ebooks. Ebooks are digital products with no overheads and by marketing them correctly, it’s possible to make huge amounts of sales that will earn you almost entirely profit. Ebookscan be something of a hard sell, but the fact that you can reach such a massive audience and engage with them directly means that you can get enough turnover to earn big profits. These businesses only exist thanks to internet marketing!
Other businesses also rely very heavily on internet marketing. If you sell a service online, such as web design or copywriting, then using internet marketing will allow you to ensure that the maximum number of potential clients sees your website and considers hiring your services. Knowing how to reach that audience online is the difference between long dry spells where you aren’t bringing in any cash and a steady flow of orders and income. Of course, the same is also true for an ecommerce business which exists to turn visitors to a website into paying customers in a similar way. Amazon actually spends over $1 million a day on Google AdWords alone, which shows you just how much the company values its internet marketing.
But it’s not just online business that can benefit from internet marketing. Big brands like CocaCola, Red Bull, Marvel, Ford, Best Buys… they all spend huge amounts on internet marketing because they know that it is now more effective than spending that same money on print media or television. And the same goes for small businesses like hair dressers, restaurants and highstreet stores; and sole traders like plumbers, builders and lawyers. As we will see, anyone can benefit from internet marketing and it is the single most efficient way to increase footfall for your company.
Let’s Do This! What You Will Learn
The only thing holding most people back of course, is the simple fact that they don’t know how to go about internet marketing – they don’t understand how SEO works, they’re not sure how to reach ‘influencers’ and they find social media awkward. If you find yourself in that situation then don’t worry; this book is going to teach you everything you need to know in order to develop any kind of internet marketing campaign with confidence. Best of all, we’ll help you learn to create smart internet marketing campaigns – the kinds that get maximum results with the least amount of cash and time.
We just said that Amazon spends $1 million a day on AdWords and that might make you wonder how on earth you’re supposed to compete. The answer? You’re not! Our aim is not to take on huge corporations head-to-head but rather to find the path of least resistance – to identify those corners of the web where lots of potential customers are waiting and no one is currently marketing to them. You’re going to learn how to do that and much more over the course of this book.
Specifically, you will learn:
How to choose a niche and find your audience
How to create a stunning website in no time at all
How to drive conversions so that visitors = customers
How to climb the ranks of Google using smart SEO
How to provide value through a blog and become a thought leader in your industry
How to build and run a mailing list
How to create a thriving and popular social media channel
How to write stunning articles and killer sales scripts
How to use press releases, video sales letters, sales pages and other tools
How to work with other internet marketers
How to create your online business
And more!
So let’s get down to it…
Chapter 2: Starting With Solid Foundations
As we saw in the introduction, internet marketing is for everyone and can apply to many different types of business. For the purposes of this book though, we are going to broadly categorize readers into two groups:
Those with an existing business they want to promote Those wanting to set up an online business or make money directly through internet marketing
And for now, we’re going to concentrate on the second group. If you already have a business, this is still worth reading but if you’re in a rush to get to the good stuff, skip through to the section on website creation.
Choosing a Niche
If your plan is to build an entirely online business and to make money either directly from a blog, or perhaps by selling digital products, then the first thing you need to do is to choose a ‘niche’. The term niche in this context essentially refers to a subject matter, an industry and an audience. In other words, a niche can be ‘health’ or it can be ‘knitting’. This is what your blog is going to be about, it is what the products you sell should be about and it will determine precisely who your business is marketed at.
Choosing your niche is one of the most important steps in creating a successful online business and the reason for this is that it will directly impact the amount of competition as well as the size of your audience. If your subject is ‘health’ then you’re going to be going up against millions of other websites and this is going to make your life very difficult indeed.
When you write a blog post on ‘how to get abs’, it’s going to be incredibly difficult to get that to the top of Google seeing as there are so many other blog posts on getting abs.
Likewise, if you post in a fitness forum and mention your ebook, then it’s not going to stand out or be interesting because there are so many others.
Conversely though, you also need to avoid choosing a niche that is too narrow. If the niche you choose is ‘earwigs as pets’, then it will only be a matter of time before you have marketed to the majority of that audience and there is no one left to buy from you…
Another important consideration when choosing a niche is what you can offer the audience and how much they are likely to spend. When creating a product, it is always useful to think in terms of the value proposition. This basically refers to what your product is offering to the buyer and what gives it its value, which should be much greater than the face value.
When you sell an ebook on getting fit for instance, the value proposition comes from the fact that your buyer will hopefully be much fitter after reading your book and applying the knowledge they learn. You’re not really selling a book at all, but rather a sexy, toned body. You’re selling confidence, you’re selling energy first thing in the morning and you’re selling physical attractiveness to the opposite sex.