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In the physical world, a joint venture means a venture in which someone finances and someone executes. You don?t have the finance for starting your own entrepreneurial enterprise; you do it through a JV. But in the Internet marketing world, a joint venture is any business collaboration where people are helping out each other. It could be a collaboration of a team of Internet marketers that are promoting each other's products on their websites.
Today, there are various places on the Internet where joint ventures can hobnob with each other and find out who is most suitable for them to collaborate with. You will find many people on the social networking sites mentioned in the previous chapter. Visiting blogs and forums can help you discover important people too.
But, the main thing is to stay in the good books of your joint venture partners. This is a finicky lot. They will not want to collaborate with just about anyone for the heck of it. Just as you are looking for profits, they are too. Hence, you need to put in some efforts in making your joint venture partners stay with you. Once you have built a business with their support, you won't want them to take their collaboration away.
Once again, we come to the same aspect. You need to build trust with your joint venture partners. This is what ensures you stay in their good books.
And how do you go about it? It is simple actually. You have to provide your JV partners the same things that you expect of them. You expect them to have a list for you that can benefit you; give them the same. You want them to share their products with you; you do the same. You need them to help them out with their knowledge; do the same for them. You expect them to write on your blogs; you have to do the same for them too.
Remember that though JV folk will take their business away at the drop of a hat, they also want to stay because this is the way they build their business. But they want to stay with the right people. Developing your personality assuring them that you will be useful for them is the way you build their trust and make them stay with you.