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Chapter 6: Past Buyers
Get creative and muster up a plan to connect with all your past buyers. Doing so will remind them you're still around and they liked you enough to purchase from you in the past.
Stay In Touch
Contacting past buyers is something you should do on a steady basis anyhow. Just because they purchased from you once doesn't mean they'll come back. Life gets in the way, computers crash and info is lost, so make certain you periodically remind them you're there when they need you.
Try arranging a buyer only mailing list. When somebody purchases from you be sure you're capturing their e-mail in an opt-in form someplace after their order is placed. This will make it super simple to keep them up-to-date on happenings in your business down the road.
You've likely got a number of names in your contact database, but when was the last time they heard from you? If you're like a lot of business owners or marketers, you spend more time seeking new business than keeping in touch with your current and former customers. But nourishing the relationships you already have is essential to growing a successful business. And finding a way to keep in touch with those contacts on a steady basis is integral for keeping yourself and your business on their minds.
Many of the better methods involve writing — and that might be why lots of business people don't do it! But writing doesn't have to be a job; just hold in mind that the point is merely to keep in touch, not necessarily to make a quick sale. If you approach it as just that, a technique of staying in contact with acquaintances and associates, you'll take the pressure off yourself to craft the perfect sales talk. And there are a number of techniques for keeping in touch, so you are able to choose the ones that work best for you.
Simple postcards may do the trick without investing much time or income. Use them to communicate approaching sales, fresh products, or merely to remind individuals of your services and the value you are able to offer.
More personal and less regular than additional forms of this marketing, the old-fashioned thank-you note may work wonders for your business. Send out personal thank-you notes when somebody takes you to lunch, gives you a referral, or provides a service that helps you do your job better. Be originative — there are numerous reasons to thank individuals. You are able to do the same with congratulations notes.
Electronic newsletters or print newsletters are perfect vehicles for keeping in touch with your customers and leads. You are able to use them to provide valuable info, industry news and tips, and build an ongoing rapport with your readers at the same time.
Email is another perfect solution. Send them a friendly e-mail saying thanks for being a customer, and because you appreciate their business, you're extending a special offer just to them.
Your offer could be a coupon, a freebie, a buy one get one free deal, or any number of things that will encourage them to check you out and take advantage of your offer.
Whatever technique you use for keeping in touch, keep in mind that your principal idea is just to remind individuals that you're still around and that you have value to offer. Naturally, it's always important to write properly and creatively, and to provide your contacts with valuable info, but for these projects your main purpose is merely to keep in touch.
Chapter 7: Webinar
Webinars are marvelous ways to generate sales. Opposed to what you may think they don't take a whole lot of work to assemble either. Merely choose a subject that you want to discuss and put together an outline of what you're going to cover in the hour.
Make certain you pick a topic that you've created an in-depth product on. The point of the seminar is to make money, so you'll want to be able to refer individuals to your paid product for more info.
Web It
Webinars, or online workshops, are the modern way to make money from home. If you've a skill that you are able to teach others like blogging, marketing, social networking, sales, or writing, you are able to hold a webinar and charge individuals a fee to attend your business seminar.
First off, you'll need to decide the message of your online seminar. What do you have experience doing? What can you teach other people? What do you know that other people may want to learn?
Next, assemble your webinar. You can use PowerPoint to show slides, produce a WORD document, show charts and graphs utilizing Excel, or even show photographs or diagrams. Produce a presentation that will last between 30-60 minutes as you'll start to lose your audience after 60 minutes.
Determine what you'll say during your webinar. You don't have to produce an exact script, but you should produce an outline to go along with your visual aids. Plan to take questions at the end of the seminar, so you are able to stay centered on the material you plan to present to your audience.
Use net meeting software such as GoTo Meeting or Mikogo. You are able to invite up to 15 individuals using GoTo Meeting. If you need space for more attendees, you are able to use GoTo Webinar or other webinar software systems.
Determine what you will charge for your seminar. Twenty-five dollars per person is fair when you set out. Ten people attending a webinar costing twenty-five dollars a head will bring a net income of $250. A few online workshops are much higher going up to $300 per individual. The price you are able to charge will all depend upon your expertise, your target audience, and how well you market your seminar.
Market your webinar. Write a post on your blog marketing your webinar and include a Paypal button so that individuals can pay right away to make a reservation. Always state that space is limited to encourage early signs on. Utilize social networking sites like Twitter, FaceBook, and Digg to market your seminar. Ask your colleagues to post your seminar on their blogs, Facebook, and Twitter pages.