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15. http://flickr.com/
Description: Flickr provides a platform for users all over the world to post their photos and organize them properly. Their goal is to organize the photos in such a way so that the people who are related to their network will be able to access their photos easily.
Personal Opinion: Flickr is the granddaddy of web 2.0 photo management sites. Millions of users use this service daily and there are a few thousand photos uploaded to Flickr every minute! The tagging system is also very use to help people to search for what they want easily.
16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Public_domain_image_resources
Description: Wikipedia organizes links to relevant public domain image resources or websites. With public domain images, you can use these graphics without fear of rights or restrictions.
Personal Opinion: Wikipedia organizes all the links according to history, art, general collections, computer generated images, public domain, government sites and many more giving you an unlimited source of graphic resources.
17. http://www.openclipart.org/
Description: Open Clip Art is another important graphics resource that aims to create an archive of user contributed clip art that is shared among the community. It is like a public domain archive for clip art graphics.
Personal Opinion: Clip art is an essential form of computer generated graphics that is different compared to photos taken by your camera. With Open Clip Art, you will never run out of ideas for your graphic needs. The images are licensed under the Creative Commons Public Domain license, which means you’re free to use them.
18. http://www.wpclipart.com/
Description: WP Clip Art consists of a collection of high-quality public domain images (similar to Open Clip Art) but it is specifically tailored for use in word processors and optimized for printing on home/small office inkjet printers. You will find a large range of color clip arts as well as black and white clip arts.
Personal Opinion: One of the biggest problems with printers is that they waste too much ink when they are printing photos. These types of clip arts is specially designed for printing, hence it saves ink wastage.
19. http://smartftp.com/
Description: SmartFTP is an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client that is very important for every Internet marketer. It allows you to transfer files between your local computer and a hosted server through the Internet. It is a very secure tool that makes it very easy for marketers to upload and download files easily.
Personal Opinion: Unlike other FTP softwares out there, one thing that stands out compared to others is the fact that you can open multiple tabs in order to access many different servers at the same time. Other FTP softwares only allow you to login to one screen at a time and you have to manually type in the hosting information each time you want to switch.
20. http://tools.dynamicdrive.com/
Description: Dynamic Drive deals with DHTML, or Dynamic HTML. It is a new web technology that makes the elements within your web page to become dynamic. You will be able to edit text, page styles (font color, size etc), element position, and other web content dynamically. It also functions on multiple browser platforms.
Personal Opinion: You don’t need to crack your head thinking how to align that pesky graphic in your HTML code. It is normally very tedious and time consuming when your text or font doesn’t turn out the way that you want it to appear. Dynamic HTML helps you overcome this problem easily. It even provides you information about your IP address and what browser version you are using.
21. http://www.freeautobot.com/
Description: Free Autobot works like a free autoresponder service that is designed to send out follow-up E-mails to anyone who requests for more information from your E-mail marketing campaign, website or banner adverts. You will be able to maximize your profits with this free tool.
Personal Opinion: Customers rarely buys something unless they have seen an ad or the product at least 7 times. Therefore, it is very important that you automate your follow-up campaign so that you will be able to maximize your sales. However, do consider that because it’s free, the service is not as reliable as you might want it to. That’s why I personally use, and recommend Aweber.
22. http://www.thefreesite.com/
Description: The Free Site aims to list all the top free products, services and offers available on the Web into one place. This site is a resource site for freebies such as blog freebies, free email services, FAQs, free games, Internet services, software, sounds, free hosting and all sorts of free services! (Even free dating services appear on this site!)
Personal Opinion: This site is truly a freebie seeker’s dream come true. Feel free to click around the links and discover a whole new world!
23. http://tinyurl.com
Description: Tiny URL is a free service that shortens lengthy URLs into something shorter and much simpler. The problem with long URLs is that it is very hard to cut and paste, especially when there are formatting problems which tends to break URLs.
Personal Opinion: This tool is very important for affiliate marketers. If you are sick of posting URLs in emails only to have it break when the recipient tries to cut and paste it back together then you can utilize this service by entering in a URL in the text field and it will create a tiny URL that will not break in email postings and never expires.