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When you’re writing out your to-do list, make it as detailed as possible. The more detailed it is, the easier it will be for you to complete the activities or tasks at hand. It’s easy to create a to-do list. You can use the sample to-do sheet provided to you in this guide to give you a start.
You may want to print out a few copies of the sample to-do list sheet. Start writing down everything that you need to do for that day. Write down everything, regardless of whether or not you complete it that day. Include all large and small items.
No item is too big or too small not to be included. Every part counts. If you have large items, break them down into small modules. This helps you not to be overwhelmed by massive activities or tasks at once. Breaking them down also helps you to manage them better.
Once you have written down everything, go over it and prioritize what needs to be first, second, third and so on. Everything that is of the utmost importance should be placed at the top of the list. All other things that are relevant, but don’t make the cut at the top can go afterwards.
Your to-do list should be created to your specifications. It’s important not to have too many things going on in one day. You would simply be overwhelmed. Plus, there’s only so much time in the day to do a certain amount of activities or tasks.
One of the first things on your to-do list would be to write some articles, at least 5 to 10 of them. Allow maybe two to three hours for that. Depending on how fast you type and the length of the articles, you may be able to do more than ten within that time frame.