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Reciprocal linking is one of the best ways to get traffic to any web site. While it tends to take a lot of work, for what at first seems little result, (a link back to your site) you will soon realise that, that little link not only brings in massive traffic from the site linking too you, but also shoots you up the search engine ranking path.
So you can see how one little (but strategic) link can make a big difference. Now imagine if you had 100 little links or 1000 little links on highly trafficked web sites all over the Internet? Imagine the traffic you would get from that, and the best part is, it's free! Ok, so whats the process of reciprocal linking?
Basically, you want other people to link to your site, and in return, you have to link to them. Pretty simple. People have been using this method for years before Internet Marketers got a hold of it. It use to be only amateur web sites that use to ask each other for links, IE Britney Spears fan sites.
But, Internet Marketers saw the potential this has, and the way it effects search engine ranking and they took it by the scruff of the neck and made it into a professional marketing tool. Some might say they complicated the whole process, and they would probably be right.
That might sound confusing to some people, so let me explain the whole process from the top. Here is the best explanation of reciprocal linking I can give you.
Imagine you have a web site on stock trading, and you were selling books on stock trading from your web site, but all your web site is, is a sales letter. No real information about stock trading, just information on your product or products.
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