Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Introduction: The Opportunity
Congratulations! By opening this e-book, you have unleashed an amazing opportunity that will dramatically transform your business from where it is today.
The information you’re about to receive is nothing short of priceless, ultimately putting you in a position where your competition will no longer matter.
Not only because their business will be virtually irrelevant, but because your business will be so secure you won’t have any serious competition.
How is it done? Actually, it’s quite easy…
Inside these pages you’ll find specific strategies, ones that will allow any type of business to stand above everyone else in their customers’ eyes. And by implementing these strategies, your business will be seen as the only possible source for your products.
Most importantly, you can start experiencing that kind of success within minutes of completing this book. In fact, you’ll probably even get your first “eureka” moment within the first few pages!
Before you begin, though, make sure you grab a pen and paper. With so many new ideas and how to apply these tactics to your business, you’re definitely going to feel the urge to take notes.
I’m confident you’ll gain a lot from this e-book and I appreciate your trust in making the decision to purchase a copy. It’s an amazing opportunity to uncover knowledge that you can immediately use to add more cash into your bank account.
Let’s get started…
Who Is Your Competition?
Naturally, before you can crush the competition, you must first identify exactly who they are. You’re probably aware of a few of them. But, chances are, there are many more flying under the radar... stealing your potential customers. So the first thing we need to do is define who they are…
The true definition of your personal competition is this: anybody who competes for the same customers.
In many cases, the ones you think might be your competition really aren’t. Just because someone offers the same type of product or service does not necessary make them your competition.
Let’s say, for example, someone is offering the same type of product but caters to a higher-end clientele. In that case, they are not your competition. Why? Because they’re targeting a different group of customers, people who currently would not want your product.
Of course, that type of scenario could easily change. You may very well decide to go after the higher-end clientele in your market at some point. Those same businesses would become your competitors because you would then be competing for the same customers.
This is very important to keep in mind, mainly because there are many opportunities where partnerships can destroy your competition. And trust me, mistaking friends for foes can be extremely costly to your business.
For example, one successful technique is trading off leads with a business that targets higher-end customers in your market place. Here’s how it works…
When you get a client who is not interested in your product because they’re looking for something more, you can then refer them to a product that would fit them better - and vice-versa.
Needless to say, that would result in a big increase of sales for both parties involved.
So, although you’re selling the same type of product as a competitor, you may not be competing for the same group of customers. We’ll discuss many more opportunities for partnerships, but first let’s talk about how to uncover your hidden competition.
As you know...
The World Wide Web is a gigantic place. There are opportunities where anybody around the world can open up shop without spending money from their own pocket.
This means you can have a significant number of under-the-radar competition… and hidden in some of their “online shops” are little innovations each of them have developed.
When you are able to take those innovations and improve on just a few of them, your business will be on the cutting edge of your market place. Nobody can beat you.
Now, keep in mind, since the internet is new in many markets, the competition is so clueless you would NOT want to copy anything about their business. For those particular markets, you will be able to effortlessly dominate using the strategies in this book.
But first things first… defining who your customers are. If you don’t have a clear picture, there is no way to know which businesses are competing with you to capture them.
A simple definition of your potential customers is all of the people who would want your product.
To find out exactly who these people are, we’re going to do a little research.
There are 3 methods we’re going to use and you should spend some time with each one. The first step is to uncover exactly who is looking for what you have to offer.
Visit http://www.Amazon.com. While you are there, you’re going to look at what people in your market are buying. What books or magazines are they consuming? What is on the magazine covers that helps sell them?
Just looking through this information will give you new ideas on who your business needs to cater to.
Use a keyword tool like the Google Keyword Planner to find out what people are searching for in the search engines. What are they looking for, desiring, and need an answer to?
Our objective is to find out what people are looking for in your market which in turn will tell us who your customers are.
Let’s take the example of selling televisions. In that instance, typing the term “televisions” into the Google Keyword Planner brings up the following search results:
Now, let’s say we sell different kinds of televisions on our website. The keywords, “samsung tv”, “flat screen tv”, “lcd tv” and “plasma tv” would all be keywords you would want to make a note of.
You want people looking to buy a TV, not looking for information associated with watching television programs. So make sure you largely ignore any unrelated terms.
As you can see from the “televisions” data return, there is a large number of searches and high competition. Also, pay close attention to the Suggested bid price when using the Google Keyword Planner.
You can also see what people are paying per click for each of these terms at: http://uv.bidtool.overture.com/d/search/tools/bidtool/
The higher amount people are willing to pay per click for these terms, the more money there is to be had.