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It used to be said that everyone has a book inside them, I believe that everyone has 2 or 3 products inside of them. Products don’t have to be high value, they can be free or low cost. The main thing to remember is that they must work to help you achieve a goal.
It doesn’t matter how basic you think your information is, there are people who still know less than you.
Do you know how to easily unblock a Toilet without calling a plumber? Well, that’s the start of a product.
Do you know how to stream media from your pc to your TV or record TV programs on your PC?
Do you know how to FTP files to a website?
Product creation just takes 3 simple questions you need to answer:
1. What are you going to create? 2. How will you create it?
3. How will you deliver it?
Once you can answer those you can have a product ready in no time at all.
So, let’s answer those questions.
1. What are you going to create?
I’ll create a product about how to clean a chimney without getting soot everywhere
2. How will I create it?
I’ll create a series of 3 simple 5 minute videos & a PDF.
3. How will I deliver it?
I’ll add the videos to a hidden page on my blog and give the link via an auto- responder message once people have confirmed their email addresses.
Job Done... all you need to do now is to carry through with your plan.
I’ve found that creating Non-IM products to be a fulfilling and rewarding sideline to my core IM business. I don’t generally have time to research what niches are viable so I use a simple long term method.
I create niche blogs in areas that I am interested in and add clickbank products as part of the monetization process. If the products featured start to sell I know that this is a good niche to be in.
I will then create or have created a rival product and promote it via my blog. The easiest way to create this product is to buy several competing products and study them, learn everything you can, then write the book from your own perspective and add you own twists to it.
If possible, I will ask someone with expertise in the niche to check it over and make sure my content is suitable.
My aim during this whole process is to produce a better product than the one I am selling and then sell mine for 100% of the profits.
If you are sat at your PC reading this, then I can almost guarantee you have all the tools you need to create a product right in front of you.
Got Skype?
Got a Microphone?
Then call someone and interview them about their passion or how they made their first $100 online. Call the last 5 marketers whose product you bought and ask if you can interview them. (Tip: we have big egos and love to be interviewed!)
Well done, you have a product.
Know a chef or even a good cook? Go and video them making 7 high protein, tasty meals for people on high protein diets who are fed up with bland chicken and eggs.
You don’t need a high end camera, the camera on your Phone is probably good enough.
Just make sure you get the sound as good as possible by using an external mic or a digital recorder.
The difference between a marketer who makes $1,000 from a product and one who makes $100,000 is the way he constructs his sales funnel.
It doesn’t matter if you are just starting out, but before you launch your first product, plan your sales funnel.
A sales funnel is simple a series of products that you plan to offer to your buyers over a period of time.
Your first product may sell for $7, you would then have a 2nd product that sells for $27, then a high quality product you can offer at $67 or $97 then maybe a monthly membership. How about some one on one coaching for $297?
I’ve you provide quality products at all those sales points then your buyers will continue to buy from you once you have gained their trust.
Some products sell in particular markets and some products don’t. To be successful, you must learn what products will sell to your target market. For example I had an affiliate marketing product that only sold about 450 copies as a WSO even though it was WSO Of TheDay
I released a SEO/Traffic product and it sold over 1000 copies without WSO OTD and fewer affiliates.
Knowing that what type of product would you create as a WSO?
Whatever market you are in know what people want.
I could have put this tip in any section. Test everything , then test it again. Test your landing page conversion, test your sales page conversion, test headlines, even regularly test your check out procedures.
The more you test, the higher your conversion rate becomes, the more money you make. There are lots of tools,both free and low cost,that help you to test conversion rates and tweak your pages. With many, you don’t need to change your pages as you can change them via the app itself.