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Chapter 1: Launch Model
Hello and welcome to Internet Business Models!
Over the next 4 chapters, we’ll cover the 4 different ways to make money off the Internet. You’ll learn how to launch your digital products, build an online advertising empire, leverage off the eCommerce trend and even set up your high ticket offers and programs!
This is super important and with you going through this training, you are putting yourself ahead of the pack.
Because most people jump in head on without understanding the framework and concept of the respective business model, they end up making more mistakes than progress and spend more time, money and resources unnecessarily.
Guess what happens after that?
Yeap! They get frustrated and give up when they are so close to success. It’s like 3 feet from gold.
This training helps you to strike gold by understanding the business model first so you can execute the plan effectively.
So let’s start! The first module is Product Launch Secrets.
This training is designed specifically for those who want to launch their first product online. No more going through random trial and error before launching a product because what I’m about to share with you is the complete launch model you need.
You’ll be guided through the 8 important elements of a successful launch. These elements are modeled off what is currently being used by 6 and 7-figure internet marketers who launch their own products each month in the market and some even say it is the gold standard of product launches.
The 8 elements are,
i. Planning your launch,
ii. The art of copywriting,
iii. Outsourcing your work,
iv. Creating your sales funnel,
v. Striking JV partnership,
vi. Launch time, and
vii. Post-launch
Planning Your Launch
The first component of launching your product is to plan your launch. This sounds simple but it is one of the most overlooked steps by new internet marketers.
First, you need to do market research. This is before anything else so you can create a product with high relevance to the needs of the market. This is a cornerstone rule in internet marketing but it is also one of the most skipped or overlooked steps by internet marketers.
Creating a new product without doing research is very risky as it can potentially waste your precious time, money and resources.
First, create an account on JVZoo.com.
This is the most well-known affiliate site amongst Internet marketers. It is a marketplace for product creators and affiliate marketers to market their various digital products ranging from e-books, video tutorials, software, apps and plug-in.
Second, compile a list of featured products of the past 6 months. You can find this information under the ‘Featured Products’ section in JVZoo. You are directed to a page where you can view the top picks for the past months.
On the right side of the page, you can view ‘See More…’ where there is a month’s list starting from the current month to the previous months. Click on the month and it brings you to the featured products of the selected month. Get familiar with the system as soon as you can.
Next, organize the list using an Excel spreadsheet. Categorize your findings to its respective month where the products were launched.
Then, create another category in another column and categorize it accordingly as software program, a web based app, graphics or a hybrid product. A hybrid product is a combination of two different product types, for example a web based software that generates graphics and logos.
The last category and column is ‘Purpose’. For example, is the product created for traffic or list building, email marketing, SEO or logo and graphics creation? This is your job to organize your research so you can easily analyze and measure the data.
When you have listed out all the featured products, you will see a pattern. What you find is a list of the most and least popular products for the past 6 months. The reason why we’re analyzing it is to know what’s been selling well in the market. This indicates the needs of the market.
You may also research up to 12 months and analyze to see if there is a product launch pattern according to the months. For example, is the month of December filled with firesales or graphic product launches or something else? That is why planning and research is important for your product development.
The key word you are looking at is innovation. Take a closer look at the evolution of mobile phones, computers and even your printers. These things are hardly original when they were released. Would you agree with me if I say they are only revisions of previous creations? Yes?
So how is this information important during the planning phase?
It means you don’t necessarily need to invent an entirely new product to become successful in your business. Any existing products will always have room for improvement.
Look up what is selling in the market and analyze it. From there, just improvise and innovate! Create your own product with two or more added product types or recycle features from the previous ones and you’re good to go!
The Art Of Copywriting
The next component of launching your digital product is copywriting. All sales of digital products are heavily influenced by good copywriting. No matter how good or how relevant you think your product is for the market, if your communication or selling story is wrong, you won’t be able to even make one sale.
Copywriting is a valuable skill in any online business and it is the number one key factor of your success.
Remember, it is not just about your product, but your skill to create desire in your prospect.