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Internet Business Models
Chapter 1: Introduction
Internet Marketing 101
Welcome to “”. In this book, I will take you by the hand and lead you step-by-step as you learn all about the basics behind marketing online.
So what makes me qualified to teach you this? Well, simply because I was a newbie at one point in time and since then had been making a living online!
What This Book Will Teach You…
This book is written in layman terms. I will not confuse you with a whole bunch of HTTPs, FTPs. HTMLs, SEOs, SERPs… It is written in a way that is simple enough for ANYONE to understand (yes, you don’t need to be a techie or have a masters degree to understand the principles in this book).
Although the target audience in this book are total newbies, experienced marketers will still be able to pick up a thing or two. After all, pride and presumption turn off our minds the same way a closed parachute is useless – both only work only when they are OPEN!
You will learn all about popular Internet marketing business models, the correct mindset, the right way to plan your work and many more tips and tricks on how to get started the RIGHT way!
What This Book Is NOT About…
This book is NOT a magic pill. There is NO get rich quick scheme. If your idea of a business model is to earn money without providing value to others, then you are on the wrong ship.
The best education… is REALIZATION. There is no seminar, E-book, audio interview or video tutorial that will make you a whiz at Internet marketing. Developing the skills of an Internet marketer is just like riding a bicycle – you don’t learn to ride a bike by reading the instruction manual! It is very personal and practical at the same time!
There are many Internet marketing models available. Each and every one of them can bring you lots of money; some might even make you a fortune!
This book does NOT presume to give you the secret formula for every business model because it is impossible! There are just too many ways to make money online. But what I am going to do for you is present the popular business models in layman terms and lead you on a path of self-realization so that you are very clear what you want to do and how to develop your own skills online!
Start Investing In Your Education TODAY!
There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. There is no one in this world who is willing to share their ‘rice bowl’ (a Chinese term for source of income) with you so if you want to get something done, you must do it by yourself and invest in your education.
So let’s get started immediately!
Chapter 2: Getting Started
Developing A Winner’s Mindset
Did you know that there are more than 90% of people who attempt to start an Internet business fail to make a stable income online much less break even?
The statistics are scary – the same way most ‘real world’ business startups fail within their first two years of operation (and those that DO survive, struggle to make a profit due to competition and rising costs!)
However, most of the failures can be traced to one problem – a wrong mindset!
Now, I know you are probably thinking, “Yeah, yeah… attitude is everything, be positive, blah blah blah… (not one of those motivational pep talks AGAIN!)”
If you think you have ‘arrived’, then you probably have a long way to go. So you must always have a teachable attitude!
However, having the correct mindset isn’t just about having the right attitude ALONE… you must also have the proper vehicle that will get you to where you want to go.
Allow me to give you this simple illustration.
Having the positive attitude is very important, no doubt… but without the right vehicle for success, you are no different than a person driving a car with the WRONG ROAD MAP!
You can be really determined… but you are just wasting gas and driving in ‘circles’!
You can be really positive… to the point that driving around in circles doesn’t even bother you at all! (After all, you are so positive, you probably wouldn’t even care if you are wasting gas!)