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Intermittent fasting is not only a great way to lose weight but it has other health benefits as well. A lot of people know that it is a good thing to do, but they are apprehensive about starting with intermittent fasting.
It is not a good idea just to go head first into intermittent fasting. You need to be prepared for it and have a plan. We will not pull any punches – intermittent fasting can be tough so you need to be persistent and motivated to get through the tough times. This is especially true when you are starting out.
So in this powerful report you will learn the 9 steps to get started fast with intermittent fasting and more importantly to keep going with it. It is going to take at least a couple of weeks for your mind and body to get used to the concept of intermittent fasting. Follow these steps to increase your chances of success.
Although it is not that complicated to get started with intermittent fasting it is always a good idea to have a plan. One thing that you have going for you is that you are probably already participating in intermittent fasting without even realizing it. You sleep for a number of hours each night where you do not eat so your mind and body are somewhat used to the concept.
During your waking hours it is very unlikely that you think about eating all of the time. This should only happen at the times you are hungry. What this means is that there are chunks of time throughout your day when you are fasting again. All that you need to do is organize this better to get good results.
You will need to create an eating window and a fasting window. During the eating window you can eat a couple of big meals, several small meals or a combination of these. As soon as your eating window closes and your fasting window begins then you can only consume water or beverages that contain zero calories (e.g. diet soda).
The thing that sets intermittent fasting apart from other methods is that it really is a lifestyle change. With other diet plans you may have to radically change what you eat. There is no need for you to change your diet with intermittent fasting if you don’t want to but you will get better results if you choose a healthy diet.
One of the first things that you need to do is to consult with your doctor about your intention to start intermittent fasting. This is important as you may have a medical condition that prevents you from starting. The vast majority of people are not going to have a problem here so don’t worry about this. Just talk to your doctor to be sure.
Once you have the “all clear” from your doctor you need to determine your eating window for each day. Everyone has a different lifestyle and only you can decide this. Some people work nights or are “night owls” while others get up very early each day. Most people are somewhere in between these.
Ignore what it says in books or courses about intermittent fasting. You need to give careful thought about when to start and end your eating window. Let’s assume that you are going to start with the Lean Gains 8:16 intermittent fasting plan. This means that you have an 8 hour eating window.
So what is the best 8 hours for you? Is it better that you eat a large meal before you sleep? This works well for a lot of people. The important thing is that your eating window fits in with your lifestyle as best as it is possible.
The next part of your plan is to identify a date that you will start. This may seem strange but there are probably thousands of people out there that promised themselves that they would start intermittent fasting tomorrow. And guess what? Tomorrow never comes!
We all get caught up in things with our lives. But starting your intermittent fasting is very important so choose a date when you will have confirmed that it is OK with your doctor and identified your best eating window. Write this date down and start on that date.
A number of intermittent fasting plans state that you can eat whatever you want during your eating window. There is no need for you to miss out on your favorite foods no matter how unhealthy these may be. If you are OK with this then you can move onto the next step.
The trouble with eating anything that you want when you participate in intermittent fasting is that your results will be slower. You should still lose weight but the results will not be as good as changing your eating habits to achieve a calorie deficit each day.
Find out the number of calories that you should be consuming every day for your gender and size – there are plenty of resources online for this. If you want fast results you need to consume less calories every day during your eating window.
If you want to do this then you need an eating plan. Again you can research online to find healthy eating plans that you will like. It is important that you know what you are going to eat during your eating window.
The most important thing with your eating window is that you achieve satiety. This means that when your eating window closes you feel full. You do not want to be entering your fasting window hungry.
For the best results you could try eating what you normally eat to start your intermittent fasting and then gradually transitioning to a healthy diet. This will help because you are already making a major change to your lifestyle by having a fasting window. Embarking on a new diet as well could be too much at once.