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Reading improves brain function and has a direct correlation with higher IQs. Children who read well have a better chance of doing well in school, and are usually in
the “gifted” classes. How do you get children to want to read? You do it by reading to them.
Start reading to your children early and every day. Showing them how magical books can be, make them believe that inside every cover is a magical world that only they can touch. If your child enjoys a particular story, read it again. There’s no harm in reading the same story over, in fact, it reinforces the fact that reading ought to be a habit.
Read at the same time(s) every day. Right before bed is an excel-lent time because it kills two birds with one stone. It helps boost their visualization and imagination skills and makes them look forward to bed.
What books are best to boost the IQ? The classics like Dr. Seuss help by using poetry. Rhymes stimulate brain activity and promote memorization, another habit to get into Another way to get children interested in reading is to allow them to pick out the books. All reading is reading, as they say. Just because you want them to read Shakespeare at eight doesn’t mean that it is any better for them than the latest Batman comic. The goal is not to force them, but to instill in them a love of reading and of books. Encourage them to read. Don’t turn them off by forcing them to do it, or forcing them to read something they don’t enjoy. You may prefer the adventures of Elizabeth Bennet to Bruce Wayne, but your child may not.
Many of the bookstores have wonderful children’s sections and you might find that your child will go through many books while there. They usually have games and play rooms so that kids spend more time there (and encourages the parents to shop around for additional books). Allow your child to roam the aisles, opening and reading a few pages until he or she settles on just the right book. This will get them excited about reading.
When they are young, start them on their way by having them help you read their favorite stories. One sentence at a time. Gradually build their skills and vocabulary. Before long they will be doing the reading and you will be doing the listening. Even after your child is reading on his or her own, continue to maintain the story time sched-ule. Chapter books with their mini-cliff hangers are one way of tricking your child into wanting to read more. More importantly, chapter books drives them to read more and more advanced mate-rials that boost’s the brain’s critical thinking skills, which in turn, improves their IQ.
Everyone wants to know how to boost his or her IQ scores. Most scientists believe that you can actually raise your IQ between 10 and 20 points through “exercising” the brain.
Here is a list of activities that you can undertake to help boost your brainpower and raise you IQ score.
1. First up, and this one is pretty much a given, engage in puzzles and other brain teasing activities. Soduku anyone?
2. Block one (or more) of the senses and then engage in house cleaning activities. This forces the brain to “rewire” itself.
3. On that same note, Nurture ambidexterity and ambidextrous behaviour. For example, you the non-dominant hand for dominant hand activities like writing or brushing your teeth.
4. Engage your brain in creative activities like art, music, or writing.
5. Find another use for everything in your house. For example, what other things could you use a nail file for?
6. Learn the nuances of wine tasting; this challenges the brain to utilize other senses than sight.
7. Learn to juggle.
8. Take up an extreme sport like skateboarding or rock climbing.
9. Go to comedy shows and listen to comedians. Laugh. Be funny. Enjoy yourself.
10. Play more. Creative activities stimulate the brain; so don’t be afraid to play action figures or dolls with your children.
11. Get more sleep. The brain needs the downtime to dream and stim-ulate itself.
12. Throw away the calculator and do simply math yourself.
13. Listen to classical music.
14. Learn something new each day.
15. Take up chess.
16. Play video games (don’t cheer too loudly over that one).
17. Keep a journal or diary.
18. Eat well. Avoid sugars; add more anti-oxidants to your diet.
19. Exercise. Physical exercise is proven to stimulate the brain.
20. Learn a new language.
21. Learn to speed read.
22. Read books.
23. Turn off the television and go for a walk.
24. Drink lots of water.
25. Join a debate society.
THESE ARE JUST a few of the things you can do to challenge you brain. Like an athlete changing the workout program, you must change how you do things, how you think. Don’t let the gray matter atrophy. Think of your own list of things that will make you treat life like a puzzle and you are on your way to stimulating that which you were born with.