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Nothing is amiss with being the smartest individual in the room. While it surely is garish to show off your intelligence, you are able to be confident in yourself without putting other people down. Whether you have street smarts, emotional substance or mathematical intelligence, you need to sustain a semblance of humbleness while utilizing your intelligence for good.
Utilize affirmations to remind yourself that you have the intelligence required to do a job or to pass a test. Post notes and signs that you'll see every day. Maintain a journal and congratulate yourself about your smart ways of thinking.
Put up your hand in class or at a meeting to reply to enquiries. Raise fresh themes in a meeting. Open discussions that stir other people to think. An emotionally secure individual isn't afraid to show her intellect in a group.
Conduct tests to confirm your intelligence. Conduct an IQ test if available. Ask a counselor to administer an emotional intelligence test. By distinguishing your scores on these tests, you will be able to validate your self-image and more easily embrace your I.Q.
Affiliate yourself with other levelheaded individuals. By hanging out with the brightest individuals in your class or at work, you will not have to dumb-down your vocabulary. You are able to continue to challenge your thought processes in the company of other people who share your emotional, social and tangible smarts.