Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Tell your prospects the your first video is free to view but they need to opt-in to your list to see the second video. It could be that you are launching a series of videos or you are dividing a long video up into smaller parts.
Just make sure you first video will persuade them to opt-in to see the next one. You also could ask them to invite a few friends using a tell a friend script to see the next video. Tell them they can always unsubscribe later if they don't want to be on your list.
Lots Of Views
Tell your prospects that a ton of people have viewed your video. Of course, use the specific number amount to make it more detailed. People will see that that make people can't be wrong about your video and it must be a popular subject they should learn more about.
You can also mention your video web site's traffic rank to show them how popular it is or tell them how many view per minute, hour or day.