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Chapter 19: Marketing Your Website
Marketing websites can be extremely tough due to the insufficient quantity of accurate information available. Lots of people are sadly misinformed about how exactly to promote their web-sites and, therefore, are using marketing methods which are highly ineffective and could wind up costing them a small fortune.
Lots of people are duplicating failure by utilizing classified adverts, FFA's, along with other methods which don't work. In this chapter, we shall review some processes to efficiently start marketing your site.
Writing and submitting articles can be quite effective, however, you must write regularly. Just writing a couple of articles per month won't provide you with the kind of traffic you are searching for. To become effective with articles, you have to, at the very least, write a couple of them per week.
Yet another method to efficiently market your site on line would be to post helpful comments on forums and blogs while making sure to add the link back to your website in your signature. This can build backlinks to your site which search engine's love.
Social Network sites (e.g. Facebook and Twitter) are an incredibly simple way of marketing your site effectively, if you have the right knowledge.
Attempt to engage users rather than trying to sell to them on Social Media sites. Aim to show them that there is great value in your web-site and offer to share knowledge with them rather than only trying to sell.
Obviously, you ought to be balanced regarding what you give and the way you give it. Remember, your primary goal is the promotion of your company so this approach of giving to people can help you immensely in the long-run.
Video is a terrific way to engage an audience. Content you have written over 6 pages of A4, you will be able to get across in under one minute in a video with minimal browser involvement. This is able to be hosted by your web-site and will have a variety of calls to action. It's also very helpful for demonstrating the benefits of your products.
Once you have produced your video, you can submit it to a site like YouTube and put it in front of a global audience very quickly. YouTube is also be owned by Google so having a popular video on this site will ensure it shows up highly in any search engine results listing for related terms. All of this will improve the exposure your website gets.
The key to marketing your web-site efficiently is to be consistent in your marketing methods. Any marketer worth their weight knows you have to market every day to become fully effective.