Ebook Sample Content Preview:
A variation of e-mail marketing that is producing good results for many involved is writing articles instead of sales copy. These articles can then be sent to your subscribers just like you would send them a newsletter. You can also use the content to start your own blog as well as to post the articles to the many public article directories that are visited by millions of viewers every year.
The best way to approach writing an article is to take a “soft sell” approach. This means that you don’t actually try to get an order directly from inside the article. You simply present readers with clear and concise information on the particular topic and then invite them to visit your web site for more information.
An article has the same basic makeup of an e-mail message in that it requires a good headline, well-written body copy and a call to action. Word counts can run as high as 500 words without causing the reader to lose interest.
A friend of mine earns her living in part as a freelance Press Release writer. She takes advantage of people’s lack of knowledge about how to write Press Releases by creating interesting and informative articles that she distributes around the Internet. She is careful not to fully disclose the techniques that she uses when she writes Press Releases, however, because her intent is not to actually teach someone how to do it. Her intent is to establish herself as an expert Press Release writer so people who read her articles will hire her. She gets great results.
Let’s take a look at one of her articles that she has written exclusively for me to use in this book. After you are through reading it I will show you some hidden concepts that she is employing in order to get her articles indexed in the major search engines. You can use her same techniques to drive more traffic to your web site.
Notice that she does no selling at all in the article. The call to action is actually in the About The Author section. That’s a clever way to get articles distributed without having them appear to be sales materials.