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Have you ever heard the old saying, "Choose your fight"?
What that means is that you should choose a fight that you at least have a chance of winning. When you first are starting out in the Internet marketing scene, it is better to choose a niche to fight in that you have a good chance of winning rather than one that you are going to be squashed like a bug.
For example: If you are thinking about fighting in the Internet marketing informational product scene, you are going to have some real heavy weights as competition... men and women who have years of experience that you can't hope to compete with.
However, if you narrow your fighting arena down to an info product on Adwords or Adsense you won't have nearly as much competition and you will have a much better chance for success.
Another example of choosing your fight is that if you are going to compete in the self-help field, you will be facing a lot of heavy hitters. You can narrow your "fight" down to one area like 'anger management' and have a lot better chance for not only succeeding but being able to dominate in that narrow market.
No matter what niche market you are considering fighting in, you can narrow your fighting arena down to something much smaller than the whole niche and improve your chances of gaining credibility in that narrow market and, thus, gaining success.
One real life example of narrowing a niche down to a more narrow market and succeeding is that of Red Bull. Coke and Pepsi dominate the soft drink scene but the energy drink market didn't have much of anything when Red Bull first launched its product.... and it succeeded.